Maki Zenin - Broken Ties (part 1)

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This is not the fic related to the poem I posted a few days ago. It's a story I wanted to write for a while now, because Maki is honestly best girl. So, enjoy.

Warning: emotional and physical abuse

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It was dark, cold, and horrible. The rain hit your face and it felt like you were being punched. Your clothes were soaked, and you felt like you'd pass out every second. But you had to push through, you had to get away. 

Away from what? Away from who? 

You grew up in a wealthy family. Your mom and dad were generous people, and the village you lived in, repaid their debts to them with great enthusiasm. Everyone knew them. They were the protectors of their small community, defending it from evil spirits that threatened to destroy it, for generations. 

They were Jujutsu Sorcerers. 

But the village people didn't know that. They thought your family was blessed by the gods. In some way they were, you always guessed. Being able to see curses and to fend them off always seemed like a gift to you. A gift you would  also be able to experience. 

 You and your siblings were taught by your grandmother, how important each sorcerer was, and how unique their skills are. She promised to help train you when you were able to form your own innate technique. 

 But you never got one. First your brother, and then your sister, were able to use their cursed energy to attack curses, but you could only ever see them. Every time you did, you cried and ran to your parents for help. At first, they helped, but when you turned seven, they discarded you. They treated you like trash. You were an outcast for the family, always called useless and weak. Even your siblings, with whom you spent every day together ignored you, because they had to train. 

You felt left behind. You were left behind. And you hated it. 

Each time you spotted a curse, even if it was a tiny bug-looking thing, your face scrunched up and you were reminded of how utterly weak you were. You hated yourself, always being told off and talked down on. 

But you realized, that even without using cursed energy, you could protect the village. You helped them with groceries, played with the kids and took care of their gardens. The people loved you, not for your powers, but for your kindness, and became more of a family to you than your kin. They helped you when you went through dark times, and made you feel better about yourself. You felt happy with them. 

But with each passing year your home life only got worse. They beat you, until you couldn't move anymore, and when your grandma passed away, they let their anger out on you. You couldn't handle this anymore. You had to leave. 

So, you ran away. It broke your heart to leave your friends behind, but you also felt freedom when you stepped out of the safety of the village walls.

 . . . . . 

 The road was empty, and next to the rain, you couldn't hear anything, except maybe the ringing in your ears. And the small voice in the back of your head that told you to go back. You didn't though, and just proceeded to walk forwards. You didn't think you'd have lasted another minute in that house; you couldn't bear to think about that then, though, so you focused on your surroundings. 

If you weren't so tired and wet, you might've enjoyed this nightly walk. 

 But you didn't. You just walked, and walked, and walked, further into the darkness, catching glimpses of curses all around you. Luckily, they weren't dangerous. They didn't even seem to notice you. 

. . . . . 

The rain had stopped, and the sun was rising. And you were standing in the middle of Kawasaki City. Huge buildings lined the streets, each one bigger than anything you've ever come across. You were breathless. Growing up in a small village, barely leaving the house, you never went to such a big city before. 

So obviously, you had no idea where you were, and were ultimately lost. But you had to find a place to stay, and something to eat. Money wasn't a problem, since the people you grew up calling a family were loaded. You just didn't know where hotels or any grocery stores were.

 Looking around for a friendly face you could ask for help, you spotted a rather tall girl, wearing a dark uniform. Her raven hair was tied up in a ponytail, and she looked absolutely stunning in the morning light. Next to a few men in fancy suits and yourself, she was the only one around, and unlike the former, she didn't seem to be in a rush. It looked like she was waiting for someone.

 You approached her, hoping she could help you out. "Excuse me?" 

She turned to you, and her eyebrows immediately shot up. "What happened to you?" You looked down at yourself, and realized that to her, you must've looked like some hobo. Trying to play it cool, you responded: "Oh, you know. Got caught in the rain." 

The girl slowly nodded her head. "Ok... Why are you talking to me then?" 'Ouch, harsh...' You scratched your arm in slight embarrassment. "I just wanted to ask, if you knew any place I could sleep at for the night..." she was quiet, so you quickly added: "I'm here on a vacation, and am lost" you breathed out an awkward laughter, and hoped she wouldn't just turn and leave. 

Luckily, she didn't. "Yeah, right down the street. There's a small motel you could stay at." You smiled and thanked her, walking towards the direction she pointed you to. 

Little did you know, her eyes lingered on your disappearing form for a bit longer.

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