Panic - Maki and Nobara

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May or may not have had a panic attack while on call with my friends shortly before writing this. May or may not be venting; but who cares?

Warning: (badly written) panic attack 

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Everything was normal. 

You woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast, walked to school, and went home. Everything was normal. You laughed, smiled and studied. You had no problems focusing and your hands weren't trembling, so why are they now? 

Why do you feel like the walls are closing in on you? Why, if you are at home, in you room, talking to your friends online? Why does it feel like you're being watched? Why do you think there's someone in your house, when both your parents and your siblings were out? 

Why can't you hear your friends' voices anymore? Did you just imagine calling them? Are you going crazy? 

You shut your laptop and get up to sit on your bed, taking your legs between your arms and resting your chin on your knees. Your breathing is ragged and you're still trembling. 

 What is going on? No, you knew what was going on, you were having a panic attack. Why was this going on? You never had problems with this. So, why? 

Everything was normal. 

You closed your eyes shut, trying to regain some kind of control over your body, trying to stop the tears running down your cheeks, trying to cuddle into your blanket to stop the chills creeping up your spine. Your head was spinning, and the only thought running through your head was "Why is this happening?" 

After some time - you didn't know how long you sat there - you opened your eyes to reach for your phone. You didn't feel better, but you knew that if you had to spend any more time alone like this, you'd go even more crazy than you already seemed to be. You had troubles unlocking the device, shaking hands and blurry vision not helping with your already cloudy thoughts, and tapped on your contacts. 

 You dialed the first number you saw, without checking who it was, and held the phone to your ear. Then you counted the beeps until whoever you called picked up. 

Beep... Beep... Beep... Bee-

You flinched when they did, the voice being way too loud for your over sensitive ears. 

"Hello?" You squeezed your eyes shut again, releasing a sigh, upon hearing her voice. It was Nobara, your best friend since 13 and one of your girlfriends. "Are you alright?" She sounded worried, probably because you haven't said anything and only let out an audible breath of air; and even though you were still feeling like shit, you had to smile. 

You let out a shaky "Hi" but said nothing more afterwards. You weren't one to call, just so you could say 'Hello' and then hang up, or just to listen to her voice, Nobara knew that. And judging by your voice, she knew something was wrong. 

 "Alright, hold on babe. I'm getting Maki, and then we're coming over. Does that sound good? We can cuddle all night if you need us to" You hummed in agreement, the small smile stayed on your face as you started to calm down from your panic. Your girlfriend hung up, and you were, once again, completely alone in your room. 

This time, you were aware of that fact; but you were still trembling, and your headache wasn't going away, so you slowly stood up and carefully made your way to the living room, where you sat down on the sofa to wait for the two girls. 

They didn't take long, since only a few minutes later, your doorbell rang. It hurt your ears, after sitting in silence for so long and listening to the clock ticking, but you hurried to open the door. 

 Immediately you were pulled into a bone crushing hug. You laid your head on Nobara's shoulder as Maki put her arms around you as well. You three stood there for a few moments, huddled together in comfortable silence, until the raven-haired girl spoke up: "As much as I love hugging you, I think we should head inside before we catch a cold." 

Voicing your agreement, you let go of the girls and led them inside. Only then did you realize the bag the shorter of the two was carrying. "Did you bring something over for me?" Your voice was small, but loud enough for both of them to catch your question. 

Nobara smiled and pulled a hoodie out of the bag. "Yeah, we thought you might like the extra warmth" 

You sniffled, rubbing your eyes as you grinned. Maki, who headed to the kitchen after entering your home, came into the living room and hugged you again. Both knew how much you loved physical affection, and hugs were always the solution if you felt down. 

After making tea for the three of you, and putting on the hoodie - which, by the way, was oversized - you all huddled together on your sofa and turned on the TV. The show you chose to watch was quickly discarded as background noise, since Nobara and Maki were fully focused on comforting you, asking you what happened and giving you time to explain yourself, all the while they stroked your hair or gave you little pecks.

Nights like these were your favorites, though they usually didn't begin with a panic attack.Nevertheless, the exhaustion caught up to you quickly and you fell asleep soon after. 

. . . . .

When you woke up again it was late at night, but your girlfriends were still beside you, fast asleep. The TV was turned off, and the light in the kitchen was on, so you guessed your parents came home while you were away in dreamland. The thought was embarrassing, but you were grateful they didn't wake you. 

At least you didn't have endure their endless cooing and teasing about how cute the three of you were.

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