More than a good story

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The sky had been cloudy, and the morning was cold

But despite the bad weather, books were sold.

You stumbled inside the warm, well-lit room,

Where the potted plants were yet to bloom.

The receptionist greeted you with her usual smile,

Before you walked to your usual aisle.

To your surprise, there stood someone new.

A stranger, with an apron blue.

They grabbed a book and you noticed then,

The book was worth a few thousand yen.

But only to you, the book was a treasure,

Since your love for it could not be measured.

So was this stranger, a welcome addition to your story,

And the fact you'd said "Hi"; you could never feel sorry.


. . . . . .

I wrote a poem in school today. I liked it, and basically wrote a promt for a new chapter, so consider this a preview for future chapter(s)!

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