Childhood Friends - Toge Inumaki

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'That one looks like a panda!' 

Your little feet sped over the grass, wind blowing through your hair. You were on your way to the playground, and looked at the sky as you walked, making out different shapes and animals from the clouds.The people you passed were smiling kindly at you, happy to see a child enjoy their youth. You greeted most of them, your parents taught you to always be polite if you wanted to come far in life. 

After a few minutes of walking, you reached your destination. The playground was usually empty, the most kids that ever came here were you and a boy from across the street you didn't talk to. But today there was a small crowd. Near the swings; a group of three boys stood in a circle, looking down on something. Or rather, someone. You couldn't see them, but you could definitely see a fourth pair of feet. 

Being the brave kid you were, you decided to take a closer look and investigate. Your parents always told you to help people in need, and this seemed like a case for you! 'Detective Y/N arrives at the crime scene!' you thought, having spent to much time with your father, who was a detective. Your parents really rubbed off on you... 

"Hey! What are you guys doing?" You walked up behind the three and tried to make yourself taller than you actually were. It didn't work; all three boys seemed to be older than you. They were definitely taller. 

"Why do you care? Midget!" The tallest out of the three said. You gulped. They were scary, but you wouldn't falter! "It seems to me, that you are being mean to him" you pointed at the boy who sat on the ground. He had silver hair and big, brown eyes. 

"I can't let you guys do that! Not on this playground and not in general!" You puffed out your chest. You were proud of yourself for not stuttering, let alone get a word out of your mouth."And who are you to tell us? Our Mom?" They laughed at the comment, while you just stared at them.

'Was that really all they could come up with?' Then you remembered the boy that was still sitting in the dirt.You looked at him and signed for him to leave, while the idiots were laughing their butts off. He did, without them noticing. You followed shortly after, although the big guys noticed and yelled after you to come back, and you ran faster.

After a while you stopped running, and when you looked up after catching your breath, you saw the playground boy. He was leaned against a wall, both hands grabbing his pants. You walked up to him. 

"Hey..." He flinched, then realized it was you and relaxed again. He nodded his head as a greeting. "Are you alright? These guys seemed pretty mean." He shook his head and signed an 'ok'."Phew, I'm glad then. Can't have them bully people on my playground" 

He looked at you questioningly, so you elaborated: "Ah, it's not really mine, but I'm the only kid playing there... usually at least. Today was a bit different." You chuckled, looking at the sky again.After a while you looked over at him again since he wasn't showing any signs of talking to you. "Are you shy or something?" He glanced at you and shrugged his shoulders. "Salmon"


"What?" your eyes widened after his answer. "Salmon? What do you mean? Are you trolling me???" You were confused to say the least, and your face was showing it. He chuckled, shaking his head. "Bonito Flakes""Ok? Well, if you don't want to talk to me that's fine" you huffed. "I'm Y/N by the way... Just so you know..." You looked at the ground now. 

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