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I'll meet you at the altar
I'll be the one in white!
~Stephenie Meyer


Jungkook and Taehyung stood at the altar, 15 years after they had stood for the first time. The same dresses, now altered a bit, the same garden, the same flowers with only a few exceptions:
Both their fingers already had engagement, wedding and promise rings. All three merged beautifully to look like one.

The wedding guests included: Mr and Mrs Kim, Mr and Mrs Jeon, Taeji and Junhyung, Namjoon and Jin, Yoongi and Jimin, and Hoseok and Amy. No business partners, no elaborate decoration. Just simple blue and white flowers.

Tae and Kook had also decided that they didn't need anyone to officiate their wedding this time. They had written their own vows. They would suffice. The words they said to each other as a promise were anyway more true than anything they could ever say as God their witness.

Kook had decided to go first. He knew his husband still got stuck in voicing emotions sometimes... So he would make it easier by being the first one.

Kook looked around the room before tuning everyone out and looking into his husband's eyes. There was no rush. No pretense. Unlike the last time he married when he couldn't process anything, this time he knew he would be etching this moment into his memory forever.

Kook held Tae's hand as he picked away a stray flower that had dropped on his husband's head and started, 'Kim Taehyung, when we stood here 15 years ago, you were almost a stranger and I was Jeon Jungkook. Two kids who were trying to come to terms with being an adult. 15 years ago, we were younger and our skin wasn't as elastic as it is now. We have even smile lines and the wrinkles started forming 5 years ago. We both saw our first white hair coming in and wondering if our kids were making us prematurely grey! We build business and our relationship, both steadily and sturdily. We saw rise and fall of so many things together, dear husband.

We did it. But there are a few things that never changed darling. Your beautiful smile never changed. Your faith in me never weaverd. On days, I doubted my abilities... You never did. You were always a constant in my life. The days I was falling, you held me. They days I was running too fast, you were there to slow my pace. You were by my side in successes and in losses. You were by my side when I cried because I had let Taeji get hurt and thought that I was the worst father. You were there when Junhyung was sick and panic was the only thing I could do. Out of all the things that have stayed the same baby, I am glad one thing changed. You were only my support system when we started but now you are the backbone our family. And this might be the only time I agree, I know you love me more. I know you love Taeji and Junhyung more than I can because you taught me how to love darling. And you are the only magnet that keeps me grounded on this earth baby. I love you. I am so grateful to have you. I would not have life any other way.

After all is said and done, I am glad it's you I am sharing my life with husband. Because I cannot image a Kim Jungkook without a Kim Taehyung.'

By the time, Kook had finished, there were tears in everyone's eyes. Tae barely managed to keep composure, Kook's hands in his hand keeping him firmly standing where he was instead of hugging and crying in his husband's arms.

Tae took a deep breath and started his wedding eyes after he kissed Kook's hands, 'Kim Jungkook, Dear husband...

I have never been the one who was good with words. Over the course of the last 15 years, I have annoyed you, made you worry, made you cry more times than I can count. You wake up every morning and I know your first thought is if I had slept properly or not. Every day during lunch, you have to call multiple people to make sure I eat and more often than I like to admit you have to come yourself so that I eat because I forget. I am sorry that you are so right when you say that I am worse than Taeji and Junhyung because they cause you less stress than me. And let's agree that we only blame our kids for grey hair when in reality we drive each other crazy with out stubbornness. I am sorry baby. I can't and I won't say that I will get better because I know you huffing over me gives you as much pleasure as it gives me. Only you have the right to bring a man like me to his knees with just a look or a pout. I can only thank you baby. Thank you for bearing with me. Thank you for being such a wonderful parent to our kids because if they were left to me, they would look like homeless children everyday. It is still a mystery to me how you manage to clothe all three of us and make us breakfast and pack our lunches when we both wake up at the same time. It will always remain a mystery how you always remember that Eomma's medicine are running out without even having a prescription. It will always remain a mystery how you manage to know which child needs what and when before them saying it out loud. More than everything, it is a mystery darling, how you made a stone cold heart melt with your lightest touch and filled my barren life with the spring of your live. I can only thank you and love you baby. Because I can never return what you do for me. I promise I will keep loving you more than anyone can love anyone else. I promise to always be there for you and our family. I promise to support you in everything you do. I promise to yearn to be a better man for you darling. I love you Kim Jungkook. Life without you would have been so colourless. Thank you for being the most precious flower of my life.'

By the time, Tae ended. Both the husbands were crying. Kook gently came forward and kissed his husband while he wiped his tears.

Seeing them cry, Taeji and Junhyung came running and latched themselves to the knees of their parents. Both the husbands left as soon as they felt their little munchkins hands on their legs. Tae picked up Taeji and Kook picked up Junhyung. Tae kissed Taeji and then Junhyung, he looked at Jungkook and kissed his forehead and murmured:

I love you, forever and ever baby.

An: Please ignore the typos.

Happy Birthday Joonie💜

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