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I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.
~John Green


'Come children. Eat.' Ye Sura shouted as soon as she was done arranging the food in the garden.

Kook followed Eomma arranging the last dishes on the table. As opposed to eating inside, Eomma had suggested eating out in the garden.

So, the tables were set and the faint glow of fairy lights lit the are around them. The candles kept on the table for illumination give a cozy vibe to the entire setting. Ye Sura sat between Jungkook and Jin as Tae sat at the head of the table with Mr Kim opposite him sandwiched between Yoongi and Namjoon. Not everyone sat with their significant others. It seemed more like a friend's gathering than a romantic dinner though the vibe was very similar.

'How is business Yoongi?' Mr Kim as soon as everyone sat and started helping themselves to food.

'It's going well Appa. A bit busy more than I would like to be but well.' Yoongi replied.

'Ah Yoongi, I hope you are taking rest child.' Ye Sura chimed from the other end of the table.

'Yes Eomma' Yoongi said shyly.

'He is lying Eomma. He rarely sleeps before 4 everyday. And skips his lunch everyday.' Jimin ratted his husband out. Normally, he wouldn't have but if Yoongi would ever listen to anyone it was Ye Sura.

'What am I hearing Yoongi?' Ye Sura asked sternly.

'Uhhhh Eomma. The Syuk merger is taking long and we barely get enough time. The team is stressed. Sorry Eomma.' Yoongi said abashedly, embarrassed at being called out.

'Hmm.. the Syuk's of Deagu?' Mr Kim asked.

'Yes Appa.' Yoongi nods.

'Eat Up. Syuk's wife is a good friend of mine. I will tell her my son is not eating because of her. She will make sure you have all your lunches and snacks. Don't worry Jimin-ah. Your Eomma will take care of this.' Ye Sura said looking at Jimin. Jimin smiled. At least, now he wouldn't have to worry about Yoongi.

'Eomma... No need... I will take care I promise.' Yoongi whined.

'Yeah. You should have listened to your husband. Anyway, don't worry, I will hint it subtly. She ows me too many favours anyway. How is your business going Hobi-ah?' Ye Sura asked the former secretary and childhood best friend of Tae.

'It's going well Eomma. We will be launching late night dance classes too soon. The response to the studio has been really good especially after Kookie chose our studio as practise.' Hobi said smiling. The man's smile was so addictive. Amy looked at him and placed her hand on his thighs. She looked up at him and smiled. She was very happy for her husband.

'We are so thankful to Kookie for his generosity Eomma.' Amy chimed in.

'Aish! This is nothing compared to how much Hobi hyung has done for Tae Noona.' Jungkook said dismissively, not liking being the center of attention.

Tae's heart glowed at Kook's words. The way Kook claimed him in small actions and words made his heart always flutter. He knew Hobi hyung's studio would have done well even without Kook's help but the fact that Kook wanted to thank him for taking care of him made Tae so happy. How his husband saw himself just as an extension of him and not as two seperate entities warmed his heart.

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