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He is more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. If all else perished and he remained, I should still continue to be, and if all else remained, and we were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. He's always, always in my mind; not as a pleasure to myself, but as my own being.
~Emily Bronte


Tae looked at his reflection in the mirror. In some time, he would walk down the aisle and marry kookie. Around him jimin and yoongi stood and tried to make jokes. But he was somehow disconnected to all of it. He had had a heart to heart with both of them last night. Tae wasn't a man of many words. He did things. So, after taking a last look at his black suit and fixing his bowtie. He went to check on the arrangements. Even though everyone else assured him everything was at place. Mrs Kim let him do it. Knowing it would calm him down. He went around. The entire garden blooming with light blue flowers. Everything a little scented. But not too much. Mrs Jeon had told them of Jungkook's dislike for strong ordours. He met the pastor. He greeted a few guests. Buisness... Needed to be done. All the chairs wrapped in blue silk in arrangement and the aisle decorated. The stage set. Mrs Kim came and dragged him to his room again. But not before he had plucked the best flower and whispered something in his ear after which Jimin rushed out with the flower. Mr Kim too came to see his son. Both the parents teary eyed. Usually, Tae would tease or try and lighten up the atmosphere but today he couldn't. He was anxious. He knew kook would be nervous and he couldn't go and comfort him. Yoongi understood and took over the situation and calmed both the parents before reminding them that they were needed outside. Yoongi made Tae sut and fixed his hair not speaking anything. He palmed his suit straightening all the sequins. Making sure he looked perfect. He knew Tae would regret not looking his best later. Soon Jimin came back and hugged his best friend. Just keeping him in his embrace. And drawing circles at his back. Tae knew his life was about to change. He would be taking on a responsibility of another human being. He didn't have any cold feet. On the contrary, he felt more than ready to take care of Kookie. He knew he would protect the younger with a his heart. Soon, Hoseok came to the room. He wasn't just his secretary but his hyung too. He managed to lighten Tae's mood with his usual jokes. But Tae still couldn't help but keep thinking about the enormity of what was about to happen. Soon, they were asked to go. The three best men and him stood at the stage. Tae switching out everyone from his mind. As if in a meditative state. He looked directly at the end of the aisle from where he knew Kook would be coming. He looked around momentarily and decided to block everything out again. He wanted to be in his head for some time more. Be only him before he was Jungkook's forever. Standing there he made promises to himself. Promises he knew he would have to keep till his last breath.

He could feel Jimin's concerning gaze on him and Yoongi worrying about both of them. Tae again blocked both of them out. He would apologize to them later in the night.

He thought back to the the first time he met Kook. He had been anxious about his safety. So, his first promise, He would always keep Kook safe. No matter what. If the choice ever was between himself and Kook. Without a breath, the answer would be kook.

The second time he met him, Kook was overworked and hadnt asked for help. Even though he knew Tae could handle everything in a second. The second promise, he would understand kook better. Enough that kook would never need to speak about what he wanted. Tae would always try and not repeat that mistake ever again.

He had seen kook's sleep deprived eyes. Tae promised himself to always take care of Kook. His food, sleep, needs. Anything kook needed. From this moment on. Kook came before anything. Even before his own self.

After their meeting, Tae had constantly messaged him about his food and sleep. Going as far as getting his mother to force him to sleep. He promised himself to take care of himself for his Kookie. His fourth promise to himself.

Tae knew Kook didn't voice it out but he never knew what love was. He didn't know how someone as precious as kook should be loved. His last promise to himself was that he would love Kook more than even God could imagine someone was capable of loving. He would show Kook how someone like him deserved to be treated. He would cherish him. Cherish him like a gardener cherishes his most precious flower.

Tae wasn't just his parent's son now. He was Jungkook's husband. He would make sure to make himself worthy of that title. Tae thought about the smile that sometimes unconsciously slid out of Kook's lips. His blushes. His hesitation. His shyness. All of them so endearing to Tae. He would make sure none of them went away.

Any problem, any worry, any sadness would have to pass a rock called Kim Taehyung before it reached his husband.

Tae closed his eyes. Vowed to himself to never break those promises as his eyes looked up at the skies. He never believed in God. But if there was one. Kook would be treated better than him.

He felt himself coming back to the world. He knew he always kept his promises. He looked around to his Yoongi hyung and Jiminie and smiled at them. They finally relaxed. He looked at his mother still dabbing her eyes. He looked at his father and passed a smile. He looked at the arch beneath which he stood. The light blue flowers scenting the entire arena. He looked at the guests sitting in their perfect clothes and as his ears heard the familiar notes and his eyes moved to the end of the file now filled with white flowers. He saw his entire world standing with a bouquet in his hands. The white suit looked incredible on him. Just like Tae had imagined. Tae's eyes found the suit pocket.

The most precious flower in the garden in the suit pocket of the most precious person.

An: Kookie's POV tomorrow. Will give better glimpse into the entire thing. Sorry for the wait.

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