First day

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What I feel for you can't be conveyed in phrasal combinations; It either screams out loud or stays painfully silent but I promise - it beats words. It beats worlds.
~Katherine Mansfield


Jeon Jungkook woke up the next day. Today was the day he had dreamed of. The one day he had been taught, he was born for. But the irony was when he was living the day, He wasn't Jeon Jungkook. He was Kim Jungkook.

Jeon Jungkook would have known that he would make a few mistakes along the way and learn. But Kim Jungkook couldn't. He couldn't afford any mistakes. Not only was he the owner of Jeon Entertainment now. But he was also the husband of the owner of Kim Taehyung. And no matter how much they loved each other or felt amongst themselves. From today, he would be judged not just for himself but as Kim Taehyung's husband too. Whether he liked it or not or if it was fair to the elder or him didn't matter. It would be done. The path ahead was tricky and slippery. Jungkook knew he only had a few he could trust completely. With great power came great responsibility, someone had said. But maybe they forgot to add the fact that power also brought enemies... People who would rejoice in his mistakes and would be secretly hoping that he made more. His decisions would not just impact his company but also might dictate the share market of Kim Industries.

So yes, Jeon Jungkook could mess up. But Kim Jungkook, the husband, the son-in-law of the Kim Mansion couldn't make mistakes.

Even though, Jungkook never cared for what he wore to office or how he looked because for him it was what was in his brain that mattered... He would have to change. Jungkook kissed his husband and pulled out a black suit that fit him smugly, highlighting his chest. His hair, face screaming power. Jungkook knew how to dress up that made people eating out of his hands and bending on their knees at his single gesture.

The morning went by in a rush. Tae encouraged the younger and hugged him before seeing him off. Kook had made sure that breakfast was in place for everyone before he left.

Jungkook had decided that he wouldn't be driving to his company. His car had finally come. He entrusted it to the family driver and his body guards follow him. Yes, Kook would need a security team now. He wasn't comfortable but he knew he needed it. It was all a part of a facade. A facade that would make the power shift easier for him. He had worked with these people. He knew they would take him lightly. No matter how he was at home, a softie by heart. In office Jungkook would be the boss people would shudder to look at of they make a mistake.

As soon as he reached and the car stopped, his personal bodyguard opened the door for him. He stepped out. He could see Jimin hyung's amazing work. He would thank him later. As soon as he stepped inside, the workers were shocked. The man they saw as so approachable till a month ago now oozed dominance. Something about his aura made people want to not look at him directly in the eyes. As people wished him morning, he curtly nodded and made his way to his office.

It was huge office overlooking Seoul's skyline. jimin hyung had somehow made it exactly how he would have liked it. His legal team came in and he signed the papers, officially making him the CEO. He had hoped to see Namjoon hyung at office today but the elder had an important meeting with one of the top music producers.

Jungkook had a new secretary now. A no bullshit young woman in her early thirties. She was married and Jungkook had to thank whoever chose her for him. He didn't want an unmarried women throwing at him.

'Good Morning Mr Kim.' Lina, his secretary said.

Something about the name didn't sit with Jungkook. Mr Kim... Rightfully the name was his Appa's or his husband's. But he couldn't ask her to call him. Mr Jeon... He wasn't that anymore. Ah!

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