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Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.


As soon as the young couple reached Seoul, they were greeted by their car waiting to take them home. After twenty minutes, they finally reached. Kook asked Tae to directly go to Eomma's room. The staff was shocked to see the young masters back so soon. Kook stayed back instructed the help to take their luggage to their room and bring water to Eomma and Appa's room along with something sweet. Soon, he followed Tae to Eomma and Appa's room. Eomma lay on the bed as the doctor checked her and Appa and Tae stood aside.

Before he could ask anything, the doctor spoke, 'She is stable for now, but please sure this kind of accident doesn't happen again Mr Kim. Due to age, her body can't heal as fast as it would. The sedatives have started working. She is going to be asleep for a while. I suggest you to rest too. When she wakes up, she is going to need all the help she needs.'

'Thank you doctor.' Mr Kim said and motioned both of them to come out as they escorted the doctor. On the way Tae tucked in his mother and switched off the light leaving the side lamp on, in case she woke up.

'What happened Appa?' Tae and Kook asked together.

They sat in the living room and the help came with water and sweets.

All of them had some water and Mr Kim sighed, 'It is my fault. Ye Sura was very happy last night. She insisted we stay up and watch movies. No matter how much I tried, she was too happy to sleep. She kept muttering Tae is happy. When she woke up in the morning, she wasn't as energetic. I thought it was normal since she had slept late and woken up soon. But the doctors are saying she might have fainted due to weakness and fallen down. I was in the library working when I heard the help came running to me to tell that she was unconscious in the living room. She is already weak and the excitement form the past few days and last night got too much. When she fell down, she hurt her back. I took her to the hospital, they did the scans and all. We came back half an hour ago. Thankfully, it's nothing major but she will need a lot of rest.' Mr Kim finished feeling guilty.

'Appa, it's not your fault. Don't worry. She will be fine. She is just not used to being without me. When she wakes up she will hug me first and she will be fine. She is just teasing you and me.' Tae said hugging his father.

'Yes son. I hope so too. Anyway, you guys shouldn't have come. I could have handled this. Why did you come so soon?' Mr Kim asked.

'We couldn't have been at peace Appa knowing that something was wrong.' It was Kook who spoke this time.

'Thank you Kookie. I am so sorry. I didn't want you guys to know....' Mr Kim said.

'Appa.. don't worry, we will go on another vacation after six months and this time you too will join us. It will be more fun that way.' Tae said still comforting his father.

'Yeah. Now go rest. You heard the doctor. She will need us when she wakes up. I will be in our room by her side. I will wake you up when she wakes up. Go.' Mr Kim said taking charge. They had come from a long, tensed journey. They needed rest.

Tae and Kook nodded. They both went to their room. Kook picked up the plate of sweets and followed Tae.

As soon as they entered, he kept the plate in front of Tae and said, 'Eat hyung. You haven't eaten anything since morning and I know you won't eat a proper meal. Have some sugar. At least it will give you some energy.'

As soon as Tae hit the bed, he felt as if he had lost his energy. The entire way he had tried to fight off the worst scenarios that came to his brain. He was glad at least it wasn't as bad as what he had imagined. He heard Kookie's voice from a far away place and saw him sitting right in front of him.

Kook understood that Tae was tensed so he repeated what he had said. Tae simply nodded and ate a sweet.

He closed his eyes for two minutes as he sat on the bed his head resting on the bed rest. He said, 'Baby, I have something important to discuss with you.'

'Yes hyung.' Kook said.

'Will it be okay with you if I rejoin work from today. Eomma isn't well and dad won't be able to handle anything in this situation and it would be cruel to ask him. I know we were supposed to s-' Tae was speaking when Kook cut him off.

'Of course Hyung. We can't ask dad to work. Eomma needs him. You can rejoin your work. I understand. You don't need to give any explanation. But I have a condition.' Kook said the last sentence strictly.

'Tell me baby' Tae asked.

'You will sleep now and then have a full meal and then you can start your work.' Kook said.

'Okay baby.' Tae relented knowing Kook wouldn't budge. The couple soon cuddled and slept.

In the other room, Mr Kim blamed himself still for his wife's health and for cutting short the boys vacation. He knew now Tae would get back to work and the young couple won't get the time to spend together. He hoped Ye Sura would wake up soon. It was her who always had answers to all his questions. He looked at her face.

'Please wake up baby. I don't know what to do without you.' Mr Kim said, finally letting the tears fall. The tears he had controlled since morning. It didn't matter to him if Ye Sura loved Tae more.

For him, She was the light that lit his dark world. Without her, he seemed like a child lost in darkness.

An: Life is back to normal. The honeymoon is over. How will they get the time for each other now?

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