Wedding Night

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And were you lost, I would be,
Though my name
Rang loudest
On the heavenly fame.

And were you saved,
And I condemned to be
Where you were not,
That self were hell to me.
~Emily Dickinson


The door opened to the Min couple and the younger Kim couple.

'Ah I see, you have given your wedding gift.' Yoongi teased Tae as everyone stood awkwardly their intimate position when they had opened the door not going unnoticed.

'What did our Kookie get?' Jin asked curiously.

'Half the shares of Kim Industries.' Kook said his voice soft.

Everyone except the couple and Yoongi was shocked.

'That's.... ' Jin let his words trail.

'Yeah...' Joon followed Jin. But suddenly took over the situation to not make it more awkward than it was. 'Anyway, we just came to tell you your food is being served in the room itself as you both must be tired. We will take our leave now.'

'Welcome to the family, Taehyung.' Jin said hugging. And Joon smiled as both of them left the couple.

Jimin smiled and looked at Kookie, 'Welcome to our crazy lives, Jungkook. We are going to be great friends.' Yoongie and Jimin also made their way to their door but before Jimin closed it he shouted Tae's name and threw something at him.

Tae on instinct caught the plastic in his hands. Jimin shouted through the door, 'Be safe kids.' and as Tae and Kook's gaze fell on the lube that Tae had just caught... Let's say they were the same shade as the bottle.

Tae hurriedly went and shoved it in a drawer.

He ran his hands through his hair and said, 'Sorry. Jimin goes a bit overboard sometimes.'

Kook flushed for the nth time during the night and said, 'It's okay.'

Tae asked Kook to go freshen up and change as the food would be here soon. After Kook had changed into his shorts and T shirt. Tae went to use the washroom and changed to his night suit.

The food soon arrived and they both sat at the small table in their room. Tae served Kook and himself.

'I am sorry. All of it is a bit bland because i can't really eat spice. I will ask them to make the food a bit spicy for you from tomorrow.' Tae said looking at Kook who seemed to be having a hard time eating.

'No. No. The food is fine. It's just... I ... Um.. I am not used to eating something so early in the night.' Kook tried to look at the bowl not facing Tae.

'Early?' Tae asked quizzingly. It was 10 in the night already.

'Would you mind If I grab a drink?' Kook asked.

Tae smiled and said, 'I will join you.'

Kook opened the bottle of whiskey and poured a drink for both of them. He got then ice out of the mini fridge and handed one drink to Tae and motioned him to join him at the window that overlooked the garden.

Both of them stood in silence for some time as they saw the workers gathering chairs and taking down archs and cleaning. Tae knew the only thing that would remain by morning were the flowers that he had gotten planted for the wedding. Their drinks were ending. Tae took Kook's glass this time and poured themselves another drink.

He came.back to the window. And Kook sighed. 'You can smoke if you want.' Kook said as Tae handed him a drink.

Tae froze in place. Kook saw Tae freezing. 'I am sorry. I saw the cigarettes in your drawer.' Kook said softly.

Tae's gaze warmed. He was happy Kook had accepted him as he is. But also sad that Kook thought he was a regular smoker because he wasn't. But yes, smoking did help take some of the edge off on his hard days.

Tae opened the drawers and lit his cigarette. He took a puff and immediately his face relaxed. Kook shot down the entire drink down his throat.

'I am sorry if it gave you the wrong impression. I don't smoke regularly. But on some days when things are hard...' Tae said leaving his voice trailing the air.

'I understand. Trust me.' Kook pured them another drink and came back.

He was already a bit high. He had drank at the ceremony too and now he was drinking so fast. But he wanted to talk to Tae and normally it was just so difficult. He just wanted the inhibitions to come down and talk to his husband.

'I don't eat a lot in dinner.' Kook said looking at the garden. Tae took a sip of his drink.


'I had a very different life than the one you have seen me living for the last one month hyung.'

'What kind Kook?' Tae asked softly. Knowing this is precisely why Kook had wanted to drink.

'I drank till late night, partied. Only had snacks or something. So I really can't eat eat a full meal at night. The last month I couldn't drink because i had too much work. But yes, that's why I left the food earlier. Not because it wasn't spicy. I didn't want to start our married life with a lie.' Kook said suddenly looking at Tae. He saw Tae standing with a glass in his hand. How could a man look breathtaking in a night suit? He emptied the entire drink in his hand.

Tae on the other hand was concerned. If the other had a problem, he would help him through it. He slowly asked, 'Are you addicted to it, Kook? Please know if you are it's okay. I will help you. It's perfectly okay to be...'

'I think I might be hyung.' Kook said cutting Tae off.

'I have tasted them once and I think I am already addicted to your lips Tae.' Kook said.

Tae was shocked. For the first time, Kook had been so bold and talked so casually with him. Tae love this side of Kook but before he could think more he saw Kool eying his lips. They both came closer. Kook took Tae's glass out of his hands and kept them both at the side table not leaving his eyes. He came back. He touched Tae's face. Letting his fingers roam around and touch his ears, face, neck and finally his hair. Tae on the other hand stood fixed. He enjoyed Kook's hands on himself. He couldn't take it anymore. Not when Kook's hand was roaming in his hair. Kook took the initiative again and kissed him. Their lips soft and warm against each others. Kook could taste whiskey on Tae's lips and it made him mad. His two now favourite things together. He chased the traces of whiskey on Tae's lips like a madman. As soon as he had sucked Tae's lips to his content he bit on his bottom lip making Tae moan and open his mouth. Kook was fast to claim Tae 's mouth.

Tae lost control as he felt Kook kissing him with so much passion. He pulled Kook closer and slid his hands below his T shirt and caressed his soft waist. The softness of Kook's skin made Tae's certain body part very hard. Tae's hands on his waist made a strangled moan leave Kook's mouth. As it broke their kiss both of them came back to their senses.

Unfortunately for Tae, the sinful moan that left Kook's mouth made situation harder for him. He needed to control himself. They were both drunk and they would definitely not get intimate while drunk.

He took Kook's hand and softly kissed his hands and then forehead. Kook blushed. He was hot. He wanted Tae but too wasn't ready to be intimate yet.

Tae made Kook sit on the bed as he came back with two glasses of cold water.

'Drink or you will have a hangover tomorrow.' Tae said. Both of them touched their glasses and tried to calm themselves. As soon as they had both drank water. Kook spoke, 'Let's sleep.'

'Yes.' Kook laid down and Tae tucked him in and then joined him on the bed.

They kept their considerable distance from each other.

But as the night grew deeper their bodies clung to the other seeking the warmth their lives had been deprived of for long.

An: I am losing my sanity slowly. Can you feel it too?

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