72 // textulation

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Today on the bus my best friend and i were complaining about this person in our class and she was scrolling through her emails right.
Dictionary dot com sent her the definition for defenestrate and we used it about 4000 times it's perfect.
Brielie; i am going to defenestrate him in two seconds.

Me; hold on I'm getting my moms dictionary off the shelf...

Brielie; ...

Me; i cannot believe there is a word for having the urge to throw someone out the window. That's actually the best.

Brielie; it's the second best world of the English language

Me; what's the first then?

Brielie; kiss

Me; is that a loaded text? I can't seem to tell

Brielie; think about it. It's actually perfect, the strong consonant at the start, the soft ss at the end. It's like kissing

Me; hmm... that was strange profound

Brielie; um duh, I'm a psychology major. Also my sex professor used it this morning while talking about her roommate. (She's kind of young)

Me; i still can't believe you're in a sex class

Brielie; sexuality* there's a slight difference. It's actually really interesting (imagine me with nerd glasses)

Me; (no man no)

Brielie; (no fun)

Me; so what's Gabriel doing exactly?

Brielie; he's making me walk with him to the park

Me; why?

Brielie; to play soccer and show off his "cool older brother."

Me; *cough* flattery *cough*

Brielie; i hate soccer

Me; i thought you were good at it

Brielie; i am, I just hate playing with those children who think they're the next Lionel Messi (impossible)

Me; Messi or Neymar?

Brielie; one cannot simply choose... they're like brothers

Me; so i shouldn't choose between you and Gabriel? *brothers*

Brielie; oh but you already did ;)

Me; stahp with the winky faces i swear

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