10 // the roommate

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Strange boy: aye Juliet? Be that you?

Me: No.

Strange boy: but you be on thy balustrade. Let me come over, we shall cavort over caviar and champagne.

Me: Are you high?

The sliding door opens and Cam steps out.

Cam: What's wrong with you?

Me: Who?

Strange boy: oh, honourable Cambriel. Please meet thy fair neighbouring maiden!

Me: what's his problem?

Cam: told you he was weird.
Cam: are you drunk? Buddy, wake up, how much did you drink?

Strange boy neighbour man: only a pint. Perhaps a number, with thy cavorting gentlefriends and chamber maids.

Cam: see you, Kat.

"A passing girl shot her an amused, jealous look, and Clary pulled back hastily. She wanted to shout after the girl that Sebastian was her brother, and that she hated him anyway.
She didn't."

Sebastian makes my heart hurt bc feelses (-: #cols

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