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k so yessss rape is taboo so it course generally not talked about but talking about it should be encouraged so chill with the 0-100/other uncreative comments because this happens and children are born of rape I KNOW SOME so please keep your shocked comments to yourself.

"Why are you so sad?"

"I'm not sad."

"Shut up, Katherine. You're upset. Spill les guacamole."

"Why do you care so much?"

"You are in infinitely fascinating individual. What's on your mind?"


"What's your story then? Family? Pets? Freaky hobbies?"

"My father is an unknown rapist and my mother had to quit university because of me. Now she has to work shitty, round the clock assistant jobs just to make rent and put me through high school. Oh, and I don't do hobbies."

He blinks. "I'm sorry about that."

"Don't be."


He says it so easily I laugh. "Okay then."

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