Chapter 15: Sugar and Spice, we've almost died twice.

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↑A/N The EVYS flying mode.

I really have no words for this. 

Xavier and Tadashi decided that while we were taking off would be a good time to start an argument over Herbert and Gale, who, BTW, were getting along like a house on fire, so the point of this argument was absolutely pointless, but I guess Tadashi had to get his frustration out somehow.

They reminded me of a chidler's rhyme my Dads used to say:

Evys had a little lamb,

That poor ol' lamb was a little dim,

He got a little lost, poor man,

and now the wolves are gonna find him.

Evys' little lamb went down, to Southie bay,

He thought he was going the right way,

But uh oh! no don't say!

The Southies don't like Evys' little lamb.

And he ended up in the Southies frying pan.

Xavier being the lamb and Tadashi the Southies.

"I say!" Claire exclaimed as we finally got into the air. "Oo, it's a bit cold innit?"

"Yeah, Tis actually" I mumbled pulling my coat closer around me. The air was getting eerily cold and thin. "Hey! Xay I think we are high enough for you to just put the engine on and set the course!" 

Xavier nodded and set the course. The ship jerked as it sped up.

Iroh looked like he was going to faint so I sent him and Claire down below. "Xavier!" I called as i wrapped a blanket around myself. 

"Yeah?" He called from the entrance to my cabin where he'd been checking the map.

"Come and get an extra layer on, your mother would kill me if you or Claire died on my ship." I handed him a blanket as we sat down on some barrels of fresh water. 

"So.." Xavier began awkwardly. "I uh, gotta say, you're handling no crew very well." 

"Yeah. Thanks." I said shortly. Then feeling bad i said: "But, uh, thanks for helping and stuff. I needed it." 

"Oh! HA! No worries." Xavier grinned before looking out at the fluffy clouds rushing past us. " They look like cotton candy don't they." He gestured at the pink and grey clouds.

"Uh! What are you, a Southie? Its Candyfloss. Not Cotton Candy. Oh my days!" I laughed at his misuse of words. 

"Hey! Anne calls it Cotton candy!" Xavier protested. 

We fell into another awkward silence. 

I watched Tadashi trying and failing to get Herbert down below decks. 

"Should we help him?" Xavier asked abruptly.

"Na, it's much more fun to watch him fail." I said absent mindedly.


More awkward silence.

"So, Uh" Xavier began again. "Sorry about almost getting us killed that time I fell of the boat and that time I went towards the 'ghost' ship."

I looked up at him. He didn't usually apologise unless he was 100% incorrect.  "Uh, it's ok. I already forgave you." 

"Oh. Thanks." He looked down at me. I looked up at him...

"What?" I asked. 

"Just lookin'" He said before turning back to Tadashi. 

"Whaddya wanna do?" I asked slowly. 

"Dunno" He replyed. 

Well. This was boring. 

A/N He-ya my Lovelies!!!

How has your week been? I am starting college next Tuesday so my updating may be a little wonky and off. I shall try to be regular but you know how life works.

Lots of love for my Lovelies!!!


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