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Angel's POV:

Not Long ago, In a Place not far from here, is a planet called Lydian. Lydian was a lot like this weird planet 'Earth'.

That is, very similar except for Our magic. Unlike Lydian, Earth's magic died a long time ago, centuries and centuries ago. Whereas Our magic is quite clearly still active, as you are reading this.

This adventure began when I was called. In my country when you come of age (17) you are 'called' by your future career. For my friend Iroh, he was called by the blacksmith trade, so that's what he is. He is now the local Blacksmith's apprentice.

For me, I'd always been interested in the magic of our land. The land in which I lived on Lydian was part of the Marylands treaty.

Before the treaty the lands were Bethiria, Symia and Astresria. They were always at war and it ruined our poor planet. Our poor Lady had to survive. So Our Lydian sent us Evys. Evys was a simple lady of great power. She wrote the treaty and became the first Queen of The Marylands. But unfortunately Evys went on one adventure too many and they lost her at sea. So with our first Queen presumed dead and since she had no heirs we began to fight again. But quite quickly our second Queen, Elysabeth, came to the throne, and she was able to keep the peace. So for the next 180 years we were peaceful. Until two years ago. When people began to claim to have seen Evys.

That is when my story begins. I was called to magic so I went to the Marylands capital, Forn, to join one of the current Queen's covens. Queen Anne accepted me and I joined. My Dads were so happy.

That's when it happened. The moment that would change the Marylands forever. A boy was called to magic.

Never in the history of Lydian had a BOY been called to magic. Magic was sacred, you had to be from a long lineage of magic users to even be accepted and then you had to be a woman!

It was commonly known that men were to masculin to work the soft fabric of magic. You needed a woman's touch!

But anyway I'm ranting here. Let's jump into the story rather than dawdle at the beginning.

Angel & Xavier Vol1: The call of Evys.✔️Where stories live. Discover now