Chapter 6: the first problem

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Two in one day; two days running! What!!


As we head south-southeast down the coast of The Marylands, I began to notice things. First, Xavier no longer seemed excited about this. Second, the crew seemed more worried that I thought they should be and thirdly, and the thing that made me more concerned than the others, was that the country-lands of the east coast were desperately bare. I had thought because we had plenty, everyone did. The landscape was depressingly depressing.

"Can't this stupid boat go any faster?!?" Xavier complained, bargaining into my cabin and waking me from the almost sleep I had been in.

"Xavier Charles-l'bone!" my voice cracked indignantly.

"Aw, diddums! Captain was asleep!" Xavier sat down at my desk and scowled at me. "We have been at sea for 48 hours and haven't even left the state of Bethiria!" he looked at me accusingly before continuing. "I haven't even seen another ship. Are we even going the right way?" He demanded.

"I don't know. Go bother someone who does." I groaned, rolling over and putting a pillow over my head.

Xavier got up and for a second I thought he'd left. But then I was rudely yanked out of my bunk.

"XAVIER!" I bellowed as he carried me out into the night. 

There was not a member of the crew about. That was odd. 

"What-" I began. Xavier dumped me unceremoniously on the floor, to which I then rolled off the deck and down into the crew's cabins. I yelled threats and curses at Xay as I fell.

"I AM SO SORRY!" Xavier yelled down, laughing as I landed on the floor at the bottom of the steps. I untangled myself from my blankets and looked around. No one was there. 

"HEY!" I yelled. "WHERE IS MY CREW?"

"If you please, Captain..." It was Adeen. "They all disappeared around an hour ago."

"What?!?" I spluttered. I then picked her and my blankets up and went back up the steps.

"Oh! Hey Adeen!" Xavier grinned. "You good?" He asked me. 

"Oh yeah! 'cos falling down stairs and being rudely awoken is what I do every night!" I snapped sarcastically. 

Adeen whimpered and I quickly released her. "Sorry. " I said putting her on the floor. "Where is the crew Xay?" I asked.

"Dunno. Woke up and they were gone. So I came to annoy you." He shrugged. 

"Seriously?! You are SO immature!" I put my blankets back in my cabin and went up to the quarterdeck. On the rudder was a note. I read it out to Adeen and Xavier. 

"Deer cap'in

sorry for tha unanaouncement but we gotta go. sorry agan. yors 

da crew"

"What." Xavier said. "But. why?" He looked from Adeen to me and back. "I HAND PICKED THOSE GUYS!" He said incredulously. 

"But what about Iroh and Claire?" I asked Xavier. 

He shrugged and put a hand to the back of his head where he pulled at his hair. "Whoa!" He said suddenly. "What is that!"

I turned and looked out, across to the west of us was another ship, this one eerily ghostly green. "What? This is not happening!" I groaned. 

"IS THAT A GHOST SHIP?" Xavier yelled.


Angel & Xavier Vol1: The call of Evys.✔️Where stories live. Discover now