Chapter 28

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Captain Trebolt and Prince Louis stood cornered and outnumbered. Sweat and blood dotted their faces and bodies. Men they had cut down laid at their feet while more and more kept coming, stepping over their fallen comrades as if they were not even there. Their backs were against the wall, their shoulders hunched and their hands aching.

One man came up to attack. Then froze. The entire room halted. Suddenly they all dropped like flies, falling where they stood. Swords clattered to the ground. Underneath their hoods Captain Trebolt saw light return to their blank eyes.

Louis stared at his captain with wide eyes. Their hearts continued to pound in the sudden deafening silence. One man sat up, dazed, and holding his head. "What happened?" he asked. Louis dropped his sword.

"They have done it," said Trebolt breathless.

Elysia and William returned through another portal. Swift sat up slowly, his head aching. The pain in his shoulder suddenly returned, and he grimaced as he fell back on his side with a groan. William kneeled beside him, his own blood soaking his arm and his hip a constant throb, and wrapped Swift's arm around his shoulders. He stood up as Swift hissed.

"God, I feel fucking useless," he said. "Did we win?"

"Aye," said William. He looked to Elysia and offered her a smile. She did not return it.

"Good, now get these fucking spikes out of me."

"Sorry mate, not until we get you to a surgeon," said William. "Elysia, you need one too."

"Lorell," she blurted. Her eyes shot with tears as she ran from the room. She held her arm as she descended the stairs, hearing hushed voices below. Her mind raced with painful thoughts. Everything would be all right. There was still time. She reached the bottom of the stairs and froze.

Guards sat around with their heads in their hands. Bodies filled the floor like an open graveyard.

Captain Trebolt and her brother kneeled beside Lorell. She saw the dagger sticking out from his back and his pale blue robes stained a deep dark red. "No," she whispered. Her heart rose to her throat and stopped her breathing.

Louis stood and looked at her, his eyes red-rimmed with tears. "Elysia..."

She ran to Lorell's side and collapsed beside him. Trebolt held his head in his lap, his hands stained with his blood.

"Lorell," she said, tears dripping down her face. She ran her hand down his cheek and wiped away a tear that sat below his eye.

His chest rose and fell faintly. His eyes fluttered open. "Elysia?" he wheezed.

She took his hand, and he squeezed it weakly. "Yes, it is me."

He smiled, a thin pale line. "Elysia... I am proud of you." He coughed and a line of blood rolled from the corner of his mouth. "I tried... I'm sorry... sorry." His eyes closed and his grip grew limp.

William and Swift watched from the bottom of the stairs, a trail of blood following them. William gritted his teeth. Mordrake was gone yet his actions remained to hurt them all.

"No," cried Elysia. "No, Lorell don't go!" She leaned forward, hugging herself as she sobbed over her dear friend's body. "Not you too."

The room was full of woe so thick it weighed them all down. The guards remembered all they had done, sitting amongst their dead comrades. Death surrounded them all, and a pain clutched their hearts like a small piece of it had been ripped out never to be replaced. The silence, broken only by sobs, was heavy.

Pull yourself together, Lorell would say. Magic is for the dedicated and strong. You are brave, wanting to study magic, Princess. Going against your father and mother and the status quo of royals. It is admirable, and I think it suits you just right.

Elysia gathered herself and wiped her eyes. She gazed down at him. "Thank you," she whispered, "for your loyalty and belief." She looked up at so many expectant faces. And there were more out there waiting to be led. She looked to her brother and Captain. "Are either of you injured?"

"No," said Captain Trebolt. Louis shook his head.

"Captain, please find a surgeon for Swift and William," she said.

Swift interjected, "You get treated first, Princess."

"Nonsense," she said, though her arm was bloated and swollen and aching.

"For once I agree with him," said William. "Your arm is broken."

They were right, and she knew it. "Very well," she said.

With effort she stood tall and looked at all those in the room. Those who Mordrake had forced into servitude, and those who had risked their lives to accomplish what had been done. She looked at William, the man she loved, and Swift, the pirate and self-proclaimed diplomat. Her brother, a kind and gentle soul, and Captain Trebolt her most loyal soldier.

She continued, "Victor Lorell's death is not in vain. Mordrake Scoretti, imposter and traitor, is dead. It is the Vasilis Kingdom once again as it should be."

Swift raised his fist with his sideways grin. "To Queen Elysia and taking back a kingdom, the biggest plunder of all."

Everyone stood, and the room gazed at her, awaiting her next move.

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