Chapter 2

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Elysia paced behind her line of guards. Her feet raced against her pounding heart, her heels clicking like the hands of a clock running short of time. She wrung her hands like a wet towel. Where are they? Where is he? Her thoughts swarmed with terrible answers, each one a pin prick to her chest. She still couldn't believe her father had forced her to leave. New tears sprung into her throat, but she held them back.

Cries and the clash of steel rang out below the window. She bit her lip. Her gaze shot to the closed door as heavy footsteps and rushed orders echoed past. Her heart leapt as the door swung open. William charged through with his sword drawn and his dark brows knotted in a scowl. The guards stepped aside and shut the door. Her feet halted and the hands of time stopped for a moment.

He looked at her and he hesitated. "Mordrake has captured your father, mother and brother," he said.

Elysia gazed at him, his words plunging her heart to the depths of her stomach. Nausea swirled as if his words had poisoned her. "No," she said, her voice like a dying piece of wind. "No, we have to get them back. We cannot leave them. He promised he'd meet me here!" Elysia's tears fell as she looked him in the eyes. William's brows loosened, as they always did around her.

He passed the line of guards and sheathed his sword. She turned away, knowing what he was going to say. "Your father put me in charge of protecting you," he said. His hand balled into a fist and his gaze faltered. He wanted to hold her like he had last night; tell her everything would be all right. But not even he knew the extent of the destruction this mage had wrought. And the men Captain Trebolt had said helped him. He continued, "I failed to protect them, but I will not fail you, Elysia. Captain Trebolt will get your family back; you must trust him. For now, he has ordered us to leave the castle and board your father's ship."

Elysia trembled like a puddle in an earthquake. It was cowardice, wasn't it? Leaving your kingdom and family in their time of need when a powerful rogue mage decided he wanted to be in charge. The nightmare of the previous night flooded through her like a tidal wave crashing into the mountainside. She spun to the window and could see it now for a second time. Her father's kingdom burning, the smoke stinging her nose and the taste of ash on her tongue. Her eyes brimmed with tears.

William stepped towards her and said, "I know you do not want to leave them. It goes against all of our instincts as King's Guards, but your father assigned us to protect you and for good reason." He reached out his hand, but it fell back to his side. He clenched his jaw. "I know leaving feels like letting him win but," he hesitated, "he came for you, Elysia."

She turned on him, her hazel-green eyes as wide as jewels. She held her hands to her chest. "For me? Why me?" Inwardly, she was certain she knew the answer and William's face only confirmed her suspicions. "For Rudimentum, you mean."

"Yes," he said quietly, "and if we let him take you, then he wins for good. At least with you free we have a chance of stopping him and taking back what he has stolen. Trust me, Elysia, please."

She gazed up at him. At those deep blue eyes like droplets of the sky she had learned to trust over the last three years. At the scars along his left forehead and jawline that begged to be caressed, but she never could. Her fists tightened along with her resolve. She trusted him with her life.

"Very well," she said, nodding. Forgive me, Father, Mother and Brother. I will come back for you. I promise.

William spun around and barked his orders. "Johnson, lead the way through the tunnels. The rest of us, though we are small in number, we are to protect Princess Elysia no matter the cost. We need to safely board The Marionette. Understood?" The five guards nodded in unison.

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