Chapter 7

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Sleep struggled with Elysia like a game of tug-a-war. In the moments of sleep though, she did not dream. She woke as the sun nudged her shoulders through the window. The warmth spread through her skin in a delightful tingle. She opened her eyes to find the night gently slipping away like a worn coat.

She sat up and looked out the window at the surrounding rooftops. Birds chittered on corners like mothers on a market morning. For a moment, the dawn brought such a sense of tranquillity that all her problems seemed small and distant.

She glanced at the bedside table and picked up the comb, a jittery warmth filling her chest. She combed her hair in the summer's dawn, closing her eyes and imagining it was her mother whose fingers worked the comb like they had done when she was younger. Her mother's singing drifted through her mind. Hush, my child, the moon still sings... Tears rolled down her cheeks and landed silently in her lap.

Her hands fell and she sat motionless, her breathing the only sound in the room. Longing dug itself into her chest. With one last sigh she placed the comb in her rucksack and wiped her eyes.

She tied her hair back in her usual half-up do, pulled on her heeled boots, and slid her shirt back on. With deft hands she laced up the leather vest and went over to the washbowl. She splashed her face and let out a deep breath, the water refreshing. The lantern beside the bowl gazed at her. She opened the small door and stared at the fat candle within. It was wrong to steal, she knew that, but she did not know when they would need the light.

Her heart leapt as a knock resounded at her door. "Elysia," came William's hushed voice. "Are you awake?"

"Yes," she said. "Just a moment." She tossed her uncertainty away and snatched the candle, a small crack piercing the silence as it unstuck from the melted wax below it. She thrust it into her bag and dried her face with the cloth. Tossing on her cloak she unlocked the door.

"I—I did not mean to rush you," said William.

"Not at all," she said. She noticed faint purple arches beneath William's eyes. It had been the first night in many spent in relative warmth and safety and she knew for someone like him, letting down his guard was difficult. He no doubt had slept fitfully, if at all.

They headed downstairs where Swift sat at a table in the now nearly empty inn. None of them spoke much as they ate the meat, vegetables, and eggs.

They left The Sea Dragon Inn and raised their hoods. They walked towards the centre of town where the murmuring of people grew louder. The streets around the centre quickly filled with crowds of people, their voices mingling into a cacophony of sound. William led the way as they nudged through the crowd towards the main road.

"What is happening?" asked Elysia uncertainty gnawing at her chest. She clutched the sack over her shoulder. The scent of rum still tainted the breath of most around her.

"We're nearly there," said William. He glanced back and Elysia caught his eyes fall on something behind her. She turned and halted as a pudgy man adorned in velvet stood atop a large stool, surrounded by Kimerian guards. She watched with growing anxiety as he unrolled a large piece of parchment. He cleared his throat.

"Hear me, every person of Kimera. The city of Lornne was attacked yester evening by a large band of mysterious grey men. Rest assured, fair citizens, King Brandon is conducting a full investigation and he will bring the perpetrators to justice." The crowd murmured frantically.

"That was no doubt Mordrake's doing," scowled William.

"Let us get out of here," said Swift, "the crowd is getting restless. They do not take kindly to their country being attacked."

Rudimentum: OracleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang