Chapter 4

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The ship lurched sideways and Elysia's stomach growled in sickness and hunger. Waves crashed against the hull, deep moaning echoes rumbling through the wood as if the ship itself had a stomach-ache.

"Sounds like a storm is coming," said William, sitting against a wall of crates. Elysia sat beside him, trying her best to keep still. She moaned quietly and pulled her knees up to her chest, her stomach twisting in sea-sick knots. William glanced at her and his heart ached to see her in pain. "It's mid-morning and the bastards still haven't brought us any food."

Outside the door, yelling exploded. Scuffling on the wooden boards ensued. They both listened as muffled voices argued but they could not make out the words. Quick and haphazard footfalls on the stairs arose and soon died away.

The deck somewhere above burst into action. Elysia thought she heard the captain's voice roar above the others. Another man's voice screamed a reply, and she thought it sounded like that greasy dark-haired pirate, Meehan.

Scuffling erupted once again and disappeared further upwards. A scream suddenly penetrated through the ship. A few moments later there was a splash that quickly mixed with the regular churning of the water. As if on cue, thunder boomed as if applauding the scene. The ship creaked, giving away no secrets.

"Sounds like they tossed someone overboard," said William.

"I wonder what they are arguing about," said Elysia. "What would warrant a man being thrown overboard?"

"Being thrown overboard is akin to being sentenced to death. It's treason then," he said. He stood and gripped the dagger with white knuckles, watching the door.

The scuffling intensified, and the two of them listened intently, their own speculations forming images in their minds of the deck above. One man's furious cries rose above the others. There were grunts, stomping feet, cheers and yells in a cacophony of sound. Laughing outweighed the single fighting voice.

A manic scream pierced even the crashing waves. "You cannot do this!" a man cried.

Elysia stood and looked to William.

Chaotic footsteps descended the stairs in the room beside them. All the while the man repeated his phrase, along with a dozen curses and foul words.

"Get behind me," said William.

The door down the passageway swung open and banged on its hinges. Feet stomped on the wood and men's laughter bounced off the walls as the captive man's words screeched in an orchestra of discord.

William held his dagger at the ready.

A whole mess of pirates emerged from behind the crates and stood in front of their cell door. Captain Ravus stood in front of them, as naked as the day he was born. A deep scorn-filled scowl twisted the lines on his forehead and his upturned snarl revealed his teeth. It took three of the larger pirates to hold him there, one with his arm around the captain's neck, choking him.

Elysia's eyes widened, shock suspending all her anger and fear. The same tattoo as William's stood out on his chest, though he carried many less scars.

William scrutinised the situation, his eyes giving away none of his racing thoughts. He inched backwards away from the door. His stomach twisted in an uncertain knot as his heart pounded against his ribs. He could feel his tattoo as if it was burned to his skin.

Meehan unlocked the door and pushed it open ignoring William and Elysia. "Toss him in," he spat. The men heaved Captain Ravus into the pile of crates like he was a rat. They slid back through the door, quicker than their large bodies seemed able.

Captain Ravus screamed at them as he staggered off the crates, the unforgiving edges already leaving long bruises. "You fucking bastards! You will not get away with this, filthy rats!" He ran towards the cell door as Meehan locked it with a final click. He slammed into the bars and reached through, his fingers like claws. The pirates had already stepped back out of reach.

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