Chapter • 50

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It was most definitely a monster posing as a river God.

However, even if the village chief knew of the fake God, he felt that the monster was not necessarily a bad thing, if he had to sacrifice just a young girl once a month he could escape the calamity of nature for years to come. And thus, he ordered the villagers to select one young female from one family every month to send to the River God temple as a sacrifice.

However in this entire ordeal, the poor villagers did not get any benefits other than a safe roof over their heads. Most of the crops grown in the village were sold off by the village chief as the middleman and he took 80 percent of the gross profit. 

When Lexter heard the ins and outs of the matter, he almost beat his chest up and said in a puffed up manner, "Please do not fret. We will definitely not let anyone be a live sacrifice on our watch." 

And I suddenly had the urge to smack the back of this loud-mouthed brat. 

The old couple and the little bride in turn, were looking at them with a starry-eyed expression, as though they had finally found their so-called savior. 

"I don't know what kind of monster it is, but one thing I am sure of is that it is not some ordinary demon. It's not the first time any strong men have been invited to defeat the monster, but alas! All of those who tried to fight that fiend were ultimately slain by it." The old man mumbled with a sigh. 

Lexter and Commander Erzieth in turn, frowned at the old man's words. 

If that were the case, then no ordinary person could be allowed near this monster. The old couple and their daughter could never be let close to the monster at all. But they will need bait to catch such a cunning monster. 

And who would be willing enough to be the pretend bride in our group with only male escorts and knights filling in the group. 

All of them turned their heads towards our carriage, insinuating only one thing. ME!!!


But I was the Queen consort of this country, they could not let me be a life sacrifice in place of a normal peasant girl. As such, many of them had rejected the idea as soon as it came to their minds. However, there were still some like Alexteris who did not think twice before pushing me into the fire pit themselves. 

"...Lexter, your Noona does not look that much like an elegant lady. I think you can fill in the spot wonderfully if we were to put my blockbuster makeup skills into play. Hahaha...!"

Alexteris had a deadpan expression on, as if he had become immune to my mouth. And only looked at Reuben for his final approval. 

I, on the other hand, bit my lower lip hard as I almost glared at Reuben to deny this absurd idea of Lexter. 

He leisurely flapped his long eyelashes as he let out a flattering smile, and after what felt like eons he opened his royal mouth and decreed, "Alright, my wife will be the benevolent soul that she is and will help out these poor people."

"Benevolent your M...!!!!" I felt like pulling a few more chunks of this guy's hair to put some sense into his empty skull.

But seeing all the people around me eyeing me like I was their last hope, I had to stop myself from getting violent. 

Both the Regalius brothers on the other hand were looking at me with a very pleasant expression on. I felt like scratching the faces of the both of them. 

"... Of course! This benevolent ol' me will definitely do whatever it is in my power to help the poor and helpless. If anyone ever needs a bait to lure out a dangerous monster, the old me will always be the first to volunteer in this welfare work. Hahaha!" I blabbered with gritted teeth and continued, "However, I think if there would be similar situations like this in the future, it would be a far better choice to just kill off the wicked village chief who started this charade in the first place." I spat venomously, glaring daggers at the now shaken village chief.

The solemn atmosphere suddenly turned weird as everyone stared at me like I was freaking King Kong. But at this moment in time, I did not give a damn about people's opinions for I was pissed with the world cursing the stupid villagers and the Regalious brother to hell and back. 

Why did these people have to turn a simple matter such as this into such a complicated roundabout situation? 

Although this river God monster sounds scary, but at the end of the day, it did not force them to sacrifice a girl to it. It was all the village chief's greed to begin with. 

Aladdin's magic lamp, you can just kill Aladdin if you are unable to kill the genie of his lamp.

~ ••• ~

Sitting in front of the vanity mirror, I could not help but frown slightly.

I felt that I am a person with a high level of tolerance.


When it came to a certain Reuben who had been intently watching me since I started combing my hair while humming a song and choosing what kind of hairstyle would suit my looks. 

I soon started to slap a glamorous looking sharp bitchy kind of makeup in front of the vanity mirror, and by the way, also chose to put on some pretty flowers onto my hair with great interest. And all this time, Reuben kept hovering in my vicinity while still ogling at me. He even had the gall to let out a disgusting "Pfft!" when he saw me hard at work in front of the mirror.

Whereas I, being the patient soul that I was, endured his ridiculing looks and pretended not to hear anything.

However, when I was about to start changing clothes, I discovered that I had overestimated my patience. 

His eyes were piercing the back of my skull with a burning hot gaze, and I could not take it anymore. I stopped my hand that was about to untie my clothes, and turned around only to be scalded by this person's straightforwardly shameless gaze. 

....So this person really thinks he's watching the live broadcast?


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