Chapter ♦ 9

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Even an otherworlder like me had heard of the Storm Bandits. They are said to be the center of the entire bandit organization in the whole of the continent of Aradon. In actual sense, they were just a bunch of immensely powerful vigilantes who did what they thought was right.

They didn't rob people or anything, no wait.... actually, they did rob people. Certain individuals they targeted were the ones who were robbed and killed, it is said that if you ever had the misfortune of pissing them off and becoming their target, then your days are numbered. It matters not if you are a king or a peasant, if they target you, your name will automatically appear in the deathnote. No one knows where they come from, or where their base is located, they will come like the wind and be gone like a storm. Hence, they were named 'The Storm Bandits'. They leave a mark on the corpse of their prey, the symbol of wind is carved onto their flesh, three curved markings looking like that of the bent back handle of an umbrella, which tells you of all the torment the victims had gone through before taking their last breaths.   

"My! Commander, what an inventive plan! I'm impressed." Alexteris smiled as sinisterly as the knight commander a moment ago.

"Oh, Your Highness, I can't possibly take credit for this ingenious plot, for I am only a messenger. It was His Majesty who came up with this cunning ruse. I am just a humble subordinate who shall have the pleasure to carry out this astute scheme." The knight commander spoke quite modestly.

"Oh, is that so. No wonder it gave off the decisive ambiance of my brother in it." Alexteris looked very smug, "He already knew we couldn't touch General Loghard at this critical moment, so he had already analyzed the entire situation and even came up with a brilliant counter plan to take him down swiftly without much added effort. That's so like my brother."

"Mhmm! No one can best His Majesty when it comes to many and innovative callous ways to kill his enemies." The knight commander on the other hand, looked even more puffed-up, I could almost see his nose growing longer in pride as he held his head up high in the sky in utter smugness.

I looked at Alexteris and then at the knight commander in dumbfounded bafflement. These two people who had nothing to do with brains, looked like they were at the top of the world as though the entire realm was praising them a thousand times.  

I shook my head from side to side, and then decided to be the villain of their fantasies, "It is indeed an amazing plan, but... before you kill him, can I add a little bit of something to further accelerate his sufferings?" I interrupted their idolistic gloating about their boss with a sweet smile. 

Hence, both of them frowned at me unseemingly, a bit upset but all the more confused as to what I actually meant to say. Well, it's not like I was not satisfied with the plan or anything, it's just that, I wanted to take my own little revenge on that sewer rat general. 

"How about we improvise our plan a little bit." I suggested and all the people in the room visibly widened their eyes, looking as though I was about to bring forth another disaster.

I made a face at my comrades in arms, feeling very wronged, "Why are you all looking at me like that? I swear it's a good plan." I mumbled while sulking.

From the expressions of them all, they didn't seem very convinced at my words.

"What! Don't judge me like that." I glared at all of them and said with a grumble, "Hear me out first before deciding whether you guys want to go along with it, or not."

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