Chapter • 1

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(I). I wrote chapter 51 while listening to WILLOW by TAYLOR SWIFT.

(II). The cover picture (BOOK COVER) is of Reuben in all his regal glory (≧▽≦)(≧▽≦)(≧▽≦) #Amafangirlhim 😆



The light was blinding, almost dyeing the scenery before me into a pallid plane of silvery white. And amidst that blinding light, I saw her. She wore the same unadorned white dress that she usually liked to be dressed in, her hair in a loose plait, tumbling down her thin shoulders, and those green eyes alit with the same optimistic enthusiasm, a hint of innocent mischief in her insipid beautiful eyes.

"Benny...." She turned her head towards me and took my name, with the most familiar tone ever.

"....Mother...." I heard myself speak, the words falling out of my lips before I could even realize it.

She smiled that bright playful smile of hers, just like I had remembered her in my memories. Like a little girl upto no good.

"My Dear, may the wind be on your back; As you stand in the light, may love burn your soul bright. May you be ever more brave, for know that those you love don't go away, they walk beside you every day." She said in her pleasant soothing voice; the words all too familiar, sounding like that of a soft feather, tickling onto one's heart.

And then suddenly, I saw that identical fire that took her away from me years ago, lighting up in raging flames, the prior tranquil panorama now engulfed by a crimson firestorm. And she stood there, submerged into the myriad of flames, almost consumed by the ravenous blaze.

"MOTHER!" I shouted in distress, nervousness and anxiety overwhelming me like no other. It had been years since I had felt such crushing restlessness, as though my breath was stuck in my throat, inhibiting my lungs from absorbing in any air. I knew none of this was real, but the feeling was so so tangible, I couldn't bring myself to differentiate between the dream and the reality.

"Unseen and unheard, but always near. I walk beside you, I am right here. In life, I loved you dearly, in death I love you still. So my dear, break away from this fear, and you will see your way appear." Her words were placid, as soothing as a gospel, as serene as the breath of spring.

And then, the dream changed, and I felt a sense of falling, as if I am entering a part of myself that was hidden deep within.

The next moment, I realized that I was taken back to my distorted past, the memories that my conscious mind had decided to shut off all this while came rushing back and weaved for me what one would call a nightmare.

Soon, my skin felt as though it was the surface of a boiling stew. Beneath the thin skin bubbled acrid, the pains of my past leaving my blood, seeking release. I woke up to an inferno. The smoke billowed black across the place, filling my lungs. The coughing was instant as were the tears that washed over my eyes due to the fumes.

I stood there on that same warm summer evening, shaking, unable to believe what my senses told me was true.

There I saw myself, only younger, rooted petrified to my spot as I watched my mother and my brother being stranded in the avid flames of fire. The smoke was being carried to the left by the wind, and it was raining down dirty ash like black-snow.

I watched myself watching them helplessly being devoured by that cursed inferno once again. My mother's body was wrapped tightly over the tiny body of my little brother, shielding him from the hot flames of fire as she cried and screamed for help. But there was no one there to hear her pleas as the flames scorched her skin and singed the surrounding vicinity. I could once again feel my heart pounding so hard that I felt it would lurch right out of my chest, my cheeks were wet and my body was bathed in cold sweat. I wanted to rush to them, but I soon realized that I was solidified to my place, unable to move even a single muscle. All I could do, was watched the wretched scene replay itself in front of me in absolute helplessness.

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