Chapter ♦ 30

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I quickly got up and after putting on a heavy dark cloak, I walked out of my room.

I saw a hooded Fredurd waiting for me, and after he saw me, with a nod of his head he took me through a dark covert tunnel, and then out of the castle through the secret way that I had discovered earlier.      

When we finally walked out of the castle walls, I saw Mummy the horse waiting under one of the eaves of a large tree, looking magnificent as ever.

When it saw me, it gave off an arrogant snort but did not shy away from my touch all the same. The corner of my lips twitched uncontrollably and I had a slight urge to slap its back in irritation, but considering the current situation, I somehow held back.

We took off in a haste, and soon reached an underground tavern of sorts.

“What is this place?” I asked. This place was too concealed and at the same time, it had this hidden-in-plain-sight aura around it. If I were to come around this area on a weekday, I would not be able to find this place even if it was right in front of me.

I frowned at this thought, and I had a guess in my heart. It seemed like this place was more than what it looked to be.

‘Was it magic?’ I raised my brows at the speculation.

“You shall find out once we go inside, your highness.” Fredurd was reluctant to explain anymore, and so I didn’t further enquire.

As we reached the door of the dusty tavern, Fredurd made a gesture and placed his five fingers over the cryptic letters embedded on the wooden door. All of a sudden, the letters became keys, like buttons and were pressed into the door while causing five round groove-like structures. Fredurd pressed the cryptic keys and moved his hands in a circular motion to move the keys once to the right, twice to the left, and then, with a click and a creaking sound, the old wooden door swayed open.

And what lay inside was not what I was expecting at all.

My eyes ogled at the sight of all the gold and silvery shimmers inside the rickety looking tavern. It was like I was transported to a different universe all together. It looked like a cavern. A very luxurious cavern, with golden scones hanging to the walls and an eye-catching magnificent chandelier hung to the ceiling. There was a pricy-looking bar at one corner of the place and beautiful mahogany furniture decorating the other side. In the middle, there was a big round majestic table and people who looked like nobles seated on all the sides of it.

I gulped at the sheer view that graced my eyes as my attention was suddenly attracted by a very familiar voice as it said, “My Queen, you have a smile that could light up a whole psych ward.”

And I think I choked on my spit.

I turned my eyes to meet the speaker’s smiling eyes, and at that moment, I regretted ever insulting a certain mummy’s usual roguish grins one fine day. Who’ve thought that it would come back to bite me in the ass in such a manner. Reuben never really understood most of my mocking sarcasm, but he got the gist of things most of the time. He was very perceptive that way.

And now, Reuben the Regalious stood before me..... no, scratch that! Reuben the Regalious sat with his long legs crossed majestically in front of me, looking very at home indeed. He had that same provokingly mischievous grin on his beautiful lips, as he looked at me in a sly manner.

I couldn’t help but be taken aback at his sudden appearance in front of me.

It had been little over two months since I had last seen Reuben. Even though, it had only been two months, it somehow felt like it have been a long time since I had seen the guy. My feelings couldn’t help getting complicated when I suddenly faced the guy without any prior notice.

“Why do you look so out of it, my Queen? Were you so overwhelmed with happiness due to my surprise visit that your IQ just hit a full on zilch, and now, you seem dumb with happiness?” He smiled like a flower as he muttered gibberish nonsense and every muscle in my face couldn’t help but twitch.

This guy was really coming back with revenge in his mind. I gritted my teeth with suffocation as I tried to look sane after Reuben’s face-slapping as he returned all my sarcastic snide remarks back to me the moment we met.

All my prior nostalgia went down the drains as I put on a forced sweet smile and said, “Indeed, I’m dumbfounded, because I did not expect to see His Majesty here. Your Majesty still seems the same, you’re the result of 4 billion years of evolution, so please, I implore you to act like it.”

I wanted to curse at him a lot, but considering he was my superior and a king, it did not allow me to do my heart’s desire. So, I could only curse at him in a roundabout way, in words people here could never understand. At least I could find solace in the fact that I scolded him in front of everyone even though he did not understand the meaning behind my words.

Reuben, in turn, showed me an intensely pleased but weird smile, like a wicked cheshire cat and in the next second pulled me into his arms. “Ah! I missed you so much my Queen.” He whispered into my ears as he pressed me into his arms tighter, and I visibly went as crimson as a tomato.  


Everyone in the tavern silently decided to ignore us and tacitly looked up at the ceiling. I, however, couldn’t help but become even more embarrassed due to their actions.


Reuben didn’t pay any heed to all the people flocking around him and took me in his arms very comfortably and put me on his lap as if it were the most natural thing to do. Whereas I, felt horrified with Reuben’s sudden strange actions and felt like I was sitting atop a ret hot griller and my ass was about to be on fire any moment now.  

‘What is this guy playing at now?’ I frowned in utter embarrassment.




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