chapter ♦ 23

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Having an anxiety disorder is like that moment when you miss a step going down the stairs but it never stops halfway. Yeah, I wondered if destiny would ever care to give me a break and let me heave a sigh of relief for just for one blasted day.

I took in a deep breath as I walked reluctant steps towards the throne hall of the Royal castle of Reveldron.

My mouth was dryer than a sandbox in summer and I kept gulping my saliva in to moisten my very desert-like throat while wondering how I should handle the entire situation.

“Your Highness,” When my tension was about to develop into high BP of no return, I heard my exclusive knight speak by my side, “Please, I would implore you to hurry your steps a bit. The throne hall is in a bit of a pickle right now.”

The corner of my right eye couldn’t help but twitch a bit at the words of my knight. When I thought that my dear knight would console and encourage me a bit during my dilemma, I felt speechless to hear him speak of hastening my pace to the imminent danger. Cheech! How could I have forgotten that this guy was no longer as loyal as he used to be. Now he had became a wife chaser, a henpecked dog led by the nose by his wife, Liana’s manslave; that’s what he was now. So when his beloved wife was in trouble, how could he have the patience to dilly dally with the little ol’ me.

I could only glare daggers at this henpecked dog as I quickened my pace a bit.

When I finally arrived at the supposed throne hall, I felt the stifling in the air. I took a quick glance at all the people gather at the hall and it seemed like all the people that ought to be present to continue on this farce were already here.

A few maids including Liana and Rubia were kneeling on the cold floor, a bit trembling, and the atmosphere in the silent hall was chillingly silent. The air was so brittle that it could snap, and if it doesn't, I might. No-one spoke and not even the sound of a drop of a pin could be heard.

It looked like conclusions were already drawn and the Queen Dowager and the Princess's brows were creased and their faces tensed. The two of them looked as though they had been drenched with ice cold water in a winter morning while they were sleeping. Yeah, hopping mad and very impatient. I knew then, that platitudes won't cut it right now. The waves and vestitudes behind the curtains were already making fast and deadly moves. If I wasn’t able to control the momentum of the game today, I reckoned there our faction would have to eat heavy losses tonight.

I walked towards the Queen Dowager and the Princess, and lightly nodded in acknowledgement as I spoke in a voice laced with faint worry, “It’s a relief that Queen mother and Her Highness Princess are unharmed and safe. I apologize for arriving behind the appointed time.”

“Hmph! If you were really worried about our safely, would you even dare to be late, dearest sister-in-law?” The Princess’s voice was laced with heavy sarcasm but I didn’t mind. With time and many following tussles, I realized this woman was a wealthy fool of sorts. Even if her words were cutting and arrogant, she was not as much of a threat as her birth mother itself. Maybe it was a good thing for us that the Princess was not as outstanding as the Queen Dowager when it came to scheming. Maybe it was the will of the Queen Dowager who did not want her daughter to end up like her, deep and scheming. Maybe she wanted a rather simple life for her daughter, or maybe she did not feel very confident if her daughter turned out to be like her and could hide as deep as her. Whatever may have been the case, it was a good thing that the Princess was not as shrewd as her mother.

Hence, I decided to be the big-hearted person and forgive her rude transgressions, and said in a humble demeanour, “I so sorry if I came off as rude, Your Highness Princess, but everyone knows that the entire Reveldronian palace was in a strict lockdown the moment the fire broke out, not to mention the chaos and confusion that the horrid flames brought along with it. All the royals and nobles in the castle was under strict lockdown and much so the western palace because of the previous arson incident. As a result, I was a bit delayed while making my way to the throne hall. I hope you will understand.” 

Even if many people in the throne hall looked at me with mockery and disdainful silence, my words were extremely reasonable and irrefutable. Where did they have the courage to make trouble for me.

However, the princess still wanted to refute and make more trouble but Queen Dowager Beatrice’s sharp look shut her up good and the Queen Dowager signalled me to take me seat with a slight nod.

I smiled amicably at her and walked to take my seat beside Alexteris. Since the time I indirectly humiliated Princess Amelia in the general’s banquet, the Queen Dowager seemed to her torn the amicable relationship between us in a subtle manner. Alianating me and not inviting me to the private parties any longer. She still smiled at me on the surface, but one could tell she was doubting me now. She no longer looked at me with rose-coloured glasses of a fellow ally’s daughter, but seemed to be always keeping her guard up around me. It was understandable as I sided with Reuben so blatantly in public the last time her faction and Reuben’s faction had a tussle. But it was still a disappointment as I could no longer get the info and benefits of her personal gatherings.

I knew we had to sooner or later come to this crossroad, but I didn’t expect to have crossed this crossroad so soon. It was a bummer but, in a way, I felt relieved as I no longer had to sit on pins and needles around the Queen Doawger’s faction.  

“Now, start the trial.” Alexteris beside me, commanded in a cold tone and I visibly shuddered at his words.

Wait!!! Trial!? I seemed to have missed a very many lots of things? Why was it a trial when the culprit has not yet been even identified yet???

To Be Continued.........

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