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The day went by fast and soon enough I was waiting for Derek.

"You sure he's coming?" My brother asked

"Yeah I'll wait." I said

"See you at home then." He said

I realised I forgot my phone in my locker and ran in school.

I opened my locker and grabbed my phone and then closed it.

I walked back outside and saw some girl flirting with Derek.

"Excuse you?" I said angrily

"Yes?" She said

"Keep your hands to yourself he's mine." I said

"Sure he is." She laughed

"Lucy calm down." Derek said

"I'm sorry." She said scared

She ran away as I smiled and he just looked at me angrily.

"Lucy there was no need." He sighed

"There was." I said

I got into the car and we headed to mine as I got out of the car.

"Bye." I said

"See you later." He said

I walked inside putting my bag down and opened the fridge.

"Your back." Stiles said

"Yeah." I said

I walked upstairs to my room closing the door and then laid down.

I was exhausted as I closed my eyes and then I fell asleep.

"No, no, no." I kept repeating, my heart pounding in my chest, feeling like it will fly out at any second. "Stiles! Please! Please!" I shouted, running over too him.

My bare feet slamming against the cement as I ran to my lifeless looking brother, I fell down to the ground next to him. Desperately checking for a pulse- there wasn't one!

There stood Theo as I glared at him and he stood up in front of me. "You did this!" I screamed at him, I looked at Theo, at first his face was fuzzy but then it became clear.

"You killed him. Why?" I yelled, getting up and then repeatedly punching his chest, screaming profanities at him, all while losing control of my state as my eyes glowed blue.

I felt someone shaking my shoulders, "Lucy." I hear faintly* i woke up with a scream coming out of me, I tried to move but I felt arms around me, "let me go please." I shouted.

"Lucy, calm down." I heard my dad say, "calm down I'm right here." He repeated, after I had broke down into a sobbing mess. "Dad where is? Where is stiles." I asked, pulling myself out of my dads arms, I got up and ran into his room but it was empty.

"Stiles." I shouted, feeling more and more terrified, trying to convince myself it was just a dream but I need to see him to be sure.

"He's not home yet." My dad told me softly, hugging me as i cried. "Whatever it was, it was just a dream kiddo." He whispered, holding me tightly so that I couldn't run off again.

"Why the hell are all the lights still on?" I hear faintly from downstairs, followed by the front door shutting "stiles?" My dad called out, I didn't move until I had heard a response.

"Yeah it's me." He shouted, my dad let me go and I ran downstairs as fast as I could. "Stiles." I cried out in relief, seeing him in the living room and he looked over at me.

"Lucy. What is it? What's wrong." He asked, rushing over to me. I jumped into his arms and hugged him as tightly as I could, "I had a dream that Theo had killed you." I managed to let out.

"I'm okay, I'm right here Lucy." He assured me, as he held me in place as I started to calm down. "Lucy, honey. You should go back to bed." My dad told me, placing a hand on my shoulder, I nodded slowly and stiles put me down.

He kissed my head and I walked off, and leaving them there as I wiped away the last of my tears as I went back upstairs.

I was just about to drift off again when I heard my door open slowly, I kept my eyes shut. Thinking it was just my dad checking in on me.

"I love you Lucy." I heard stiles whisper, kissing my forehead softly before leaving. I smiled to myself as I fell back asleep, this time not having anymore bad dreams.


I forced myself to keep going, even though my legs were on fire. The rough terrain of the woods making it more difficult to run. I gave in to my legs and sat down as my eyes stopped glowing and I took a sip of water.

I froze hearing a tree branch snap behind me, I rose to my feet and my eyes turned blue as I prepared for anything. "Boo." Someone whispered in my ear, and I reacted by hitting the person as best I could as they flew.

I saw Derek holding his jaw in shock. "Oh my god babe." I breathed out, "what is wrong with you?!" I scolded him, removing his hand from his jaw and I looked at it.

I let out a laugh, knowing it's gonna hurt for a couple of days. "I didn't think you would punch me lucy" He said growling.

"Well don't scare the sheriffs daughter half to death in the middle of the damn woods." I told him, as I felt more at ease now that my eyes stopped glowing and my heart rate was normal.

"Since when do you come alone here?" He asked me, joining in as we jogged, and that's when I realised I had always run into him here we would run in the woods at the same time.

"I'm stressed I needed a run." I answered. He just nods and glancing at me for a second. "So I was just wondering if you wanted to go on a date?" He said

"Well let's see, I didn't go running for the hills when you scared me so that's a good thing." I teased him, he raised an eyebrow.

"Lucy stilinski, will you go out with me again?" He asked me. I stopped and placed a hand on my chin in a thinking motion. "Yes." I said and then he placed my hair behind my ear.

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