Beacon hills

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"Lucy." I hear my brother yell out. I groan as I throw the covers over my body, and then drag myself to the bathroom.

"Stiles it is only 7:00 am can you stop yelling." I hear my dad say. "Lucy took 50 dollars from my wallet though."

I speed to the door. "Hey! We had nothing to eat last night for dinner. So I went and bought some cereal and milk? A little thank you would be nice." I smirk

Stiles groaned.

"Thank you sweetheart." My dad said kissing my forehead. Stiles muttered a 'thank you' and then he walked downstairs.

I took a shower, and got ready for the day. I curled my brown hair as usual, I wore a red sweater, black leggings and white shoes.

 I curled my brown hair as usual, I wore a red sweater, black leggings and white shoes

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I think it's pretty obvious what my favourite colour is. I ran downstairs, and see stiles and Scott waiting for me.

Scott was Stiles best friend he had been since we were only young. We basically grew up together so he's like another older brother I'm a sophomore and they are seniors.

"Good morning." I chirped walking past them

"Why is she happy?" Scott whispered to Stiles

"I have no idea you know she's strange." Stiles said

"Can't I just be happy?" I asked crossing my arms as they both shrugged.

"Well why are you so happy?" Stiles asked me

"I don't know, today just feels like it's good." I said

"That's not Normal." Scott said getting in the jeep as I got in the back and I flicked the back of his head.

"Neither are you." I said glaring at him

"Ow! Stiles she just hit me." Scott complained as I smirked and my brother laughed.

Once we arrived at school, I headed to my locker to put my books away until class started. Opening my locker I put my maths, chemistry and history books inside. A Polaroid suddenly fell out of my locker as I frowned and picked it up as I saw Lydia, Allison, my brother, Scott and I.

It was the night before my first day of freshman year and their junior year. We made a promise to each other to stick by each other no matter what but now she was gone. And it hurt me a lot.

When she died, it felt like a part of me died that day as well. Allison was like my older sister for two whole years before she was murdered. She trained me so I could use my powers for good and not lose control as much.

Sighing I put the picture down and close my locker only to see a blonde haired boy next to me struggling to open his locker. He growls lowly wanting to give up.

"You need some help?" I ask looking at him. As he looked at me, I couldn't help but blush as I take in his appearance. He had baby blue eyes that I could get lost in and pink lips that looked super kissable.

"Yeah thanks that'd be great." He said

I smile back at him and take the slip of paper from his hand. I quickly put the combination in and then turn the knob as I opened it.

"Are you new at all?" I asked as we switched places

"Yeah, I'm Theo." He says putting his hand out for me to shake. Aw what a cutie.

"I'm Lucy." I say taking his hand as I blush

"I have to get going, but hopefully I see you around some time

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"I have to get going, but hopefully I see you around some time." I said walking away

"Wait!" I turn back raising an eyebrow seeing Liam staring at me. "Are you a freshman?" He asked

I grinned and responded, "that doesn't concern you now does it." I said

I turn on my heel flipping my hair in the process and strutting off. I hear him chuckle behind me.

Heading over to the girls locker room, I change into some black leggings and a beacon hills lacrosse red hoodie. Slipping my shoes on and tying my hair I head outside seeing my brother and his best friend.

Of course, stiles was complaining like usual.

"What the hell are we even doing here anyway? We have so many other things going on and worrying about lacrosse isn't even one of them." Stiles said

"It is now okay." Scott sighed looking forward I see where he's looking.

Garrett and another guy were shooting at the goalie but he kept on catching them super easily.

"Who in the hell is that?" Stiles and I asked in sync. That was his cue to take his helmet off. It was Theo?

"Nice Theo, you could actually be our first freshman captain." Garrett shouted. Oh god.

"Maybe it was a practice, right guys?" Stiles said as he tried to convince himself as I sighed. We could use a few more guys on the team we lost so many last month.

"What the hell is Theo doing back here anyway last time we saw him was when Monroe was here and he was on our side for once." Scott said

"I think he's in denial." I whispered to Stiles. As my older brother just shrugged and put his hand on my shoulder.

I was stretching after tryouts so that I didn't get any sore bones, I was getting stared at by the guys on the team.

I bend over to touch my toes and heard a few wolf whistles.

"Theo stop staring before you burn holes into her ass." Garrett says

I quickly looked up and my cheeks were bright red as he sprinted to the locker rooms before I could say anything to him.

I couldn't blame him. I shower quickly and then I meet up with Scott and stiles at the entrance of the boys locker room.

"Oh god what's going on?" I ask them

"It's time we had a little talk with Theo." Scott said

Scott mocked my laugh and pushed me in the locker rooms as we went in. I slap his shoulder as they walk over to Theo. My eyes went wide as I caught a small glimpse of his body it was beautiful to say the least.

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