He's back

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"I'm gonna kill you." I said angrily

"You couldn't lie to him Lucy." Stiles said

"I know that." I sighed

"He's your ex you gotta move on." He said leaving

"Hey." I hear

"Oh hey Theo." I smiled

"Why were you hugging Issac?" He asked me

"He's my friend." I said

"Oh okay." He said

"I better go." I said smiling

I walked to the test area and sat down as I rolled my eyes.

Two hours later...

The test was finally over as I got up and put my test on the desk.

"Thanks." The teacher said

I walked out and then saw Issac waving me over as I sighed.

"Hey." I said

"Hey can we talk?" He asked me

"Sure." I said confused

We walked outside and I sat down on the bench as he sat next to me.

"What's up?" I asked

He smashed his lips onto mine and then I pushed him away.

"Issac?" I said angrily

"I'm sorry." He sighed

"I'm still in love with you." He said

"You are?" I said

"Yes I never stopped loving you." He said

"Issac I'm with Theo now." I said sadly

"I know, I'm sorry." He said

"I'll go." He sighed

He got up and left and I saw Theo and knew I was dead.

Help, help, help, help, that's all I could think of as I speed walk away from him.

"Come on, babe. I just want to talk." I heard him say as I pushed the school door open, I glanced back at an angry Theo.

I shrieked as he shouted at me, I turned back to look in front of me, gasping as I tried to stop myself from falling down the stairs. I sighed in relief when I felt a pair of hands grabbing me, stopping me from hitting the cement steps. "Thanks for the help." I said to the mystery person as I looked up, shocked to see Derek hale was holding me up.

I pulled myself out of his grip, "uh thanks again." I mumbled before trying to rush off, an all too familiar hand grabbing my wrist, "Theo." I warned, trying to pull his wrist away, stopping when his grip tightened on me.

"Let go of me." I ordered, looking up at him with my pleading eyes, "why were you with him?" He said angrily.

"He just wanted to talk." I said

"He fucking kissed you I saw him." He said angrily

"I thought you changed but my brother was right we are done." I said angrily as I looked down at my sore wrist he was holding onto tightly and I heard him growl.

" I said angrily as I looked down at my sore wrist he was holding onto tightly and I heard him growl

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"Man, I'm pretty sure she told you to let go." Derek said, glaring at Theo, he sighed before tossing my wrist out of his grip, I gently held it in my other hand as it started to ache and was now slowly turning into a bruise.

" Derek said, glaring at Theo, he sighed before tossing my wrist out of his grip, I gently held it in my other hand as it started to ache and was now slowly turning into a bruise

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Theo gave me a warning look before making his way to his car. Derek looked over at me, getting ready to speak but closing his mouth as I rushed off, seeking some sense of comfort in my brothers car. I then got in as he came.

"Hey you okay?" He asked

"I'm fine." I said quickly

"Are you sure?" Scott said as well

"I'm fine guys." I said

I took a deep breath as I opened the front door and then pulled my sleeve down in an attempt to cover my now bruised wrist.

"Hey." I said seeing Scott in my kitchen

"Where's my brother?" I asked

"He went to get some pizza for us all." He said

"Ooh pizza." I laughed, trying to push myself up to sit on the counter, groaning and grabbing my wrist as pain shot through it from pressure.

"What happened?" Scott asking moving my hand to see my wrist, i bit my lip not answering. "Lucy." He sighed grabbing an ice pack to put on it, "fine." I said as he stared me down.

"Theo grabbed it when I was trying to leave school and kept squeezing it more and more until Derek made him let go." I explained, my heart beating fast at the thought, "derek?" He asked his eyebrows were raised.

"Yeah Derek." I mumbled

"You can't tell stiles." I said, grabbing my stuff as I heard my brother pulling up outside, "okay?" I said, he pinched the bridge of his nose, "fine." He agreed

I smiled before rushing upstairs and shutting my bedroom door just as I heard stiles walking into the house.

"Lucy, pizza." Stiles shouted, "coming." I responded quickly changing into a hoodie and making sure my wrists were covered before I walked out of my room.

I hummed in appreciation as I took a piece of pizza, placing in on my place. "So how was your test?" My brother asked with a mouthful of pizza, I threw ice from my drink at him.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." I scolded my older brother, "and it was good I think." I answered, and I laughed as he struggled to get the ice cube from his shirt.

I finished dinner and walked upstairs to my room closing the door. I laid down on my bed yawning as I groaned.

My door swung open and I screamed, "stiles what the hell?" I said to him, my hand going to my chest as my heart raced.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, pulling my hand and revealing my bruised wrist. I glared at Scott who was standing awkwardly in my doorway.

"Scott you said you wouldn't tell him?" I mumbled not daring to look at Scott again. "I'm gonna kill him I told you he hadn't changed." Stiles snapped as he paced back and forth in my room.

"Calm down stiles, I'm fine." I sighed, rubbing gently over the mark. "Stiles, drop it. Please." I added on, placing my hand on his shoulder, I smiled softly, "I am fine. I promise." I assured him

I saw his eyes soften, he nodded. "Tell me if he ever touches you or comes near you again." He said and I nodded as he kissed my forehead.

He walked out of my room closing the door as I laid back down.

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