Chapter 21

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(A/N) Hey guys! :D so before we jump into the chapter, I wanted to share a few story shoutouts!

Why Am I So Lucky For? by sheerioo_

How He Saves Me by Taylor_Ann01

Never Again by livietree

Formidable Affairs by hey_its_jenna

He Broke My Heart by xAmberr_1Dx

A Tweet by Fluffy_The_Unicorn

One Thing by xMrsStyles23x

Betrayal by starshipsssss

Wrong Number by t_i_a_r_a

You're All Mine by those5boyss

Hard Life by sissy6873

These stories are mostly stories that people have asked me to promote/ read. As I've said before, I'm super busy guys. I barely have time to WRITE anymore let alone read your stories, which is disappointing for me. I would love the opportunity to read all of you guys' stories. But that just can't happen right now. So for the most part, I HAVEN'T read these stories. One or two of them I'm reading, but not all of them.

Also, I have posted a sort of "teaser" for a a new story I am working on; it's called 'Fat.' I won't start uploading the actual chapters until the end of march or April or something, I'm going to be entering it in the watty awards, but please, go check it out and let me know what you think of it! :D I would love to get your feedback, it means a lot to me to hear what you guys have to say(:

Also, please check out the newest story I've posted, "FairyTale Ending". This story is very dear to me, and it would mean the absolute world for you to read it. Ad vote and comment and whatnot. Again, it is not a one direction related story, but I hope that for me, you can give it a chance. There's a couple chapters up for you to read, and I hope you can spare a few minutes to do this for me.

If you DO read any of my other stories, you probably will have noticed that they're all on hold. And that is just so that I can catch up on pre-writing chapters. I've become very overwhelmed with all of the stories, and I just decided that it would be easier to only update one story for right now; and closer to the summer start posting other chapters. I AM still writing the chapters for these stories, just not posting them right now. I've gotten quite a few messages asking me about if I've given up at writing "Sign for Love" and "My Night With Harry Styles", I am still writing them. It'll just be a little while until I start updating again.

This chapter is dedicated to hey_its_jenna, she's a super sweet girl I've talked to for quite awhile on here, please go check out her work as well!(: fan her and whatnot. Or follow I suppose. I keep forgetting that they changed that...

 Also, @StrumminOnMyHeart made me a lovely cover for dance again, but it wont let me post the link to it :( so here it is if you wanna go check it out (:

And now, Chapter 21.


As I figured, we were the first people in the studio, other than Miss Thompson. She was sitting cross legged on the floor, in a pair of leggings and a black racer back tank top.  

"Hey Miss T." James greeted her as we walked in, earning him an eye roll.  

"I would appreciate it if you would call me Miss Thompson." She corrected him, trying to hold back the amusement in her eyes.  

Dance Again (Dancing Styles Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now