Chapter 11: Ramen and... sake?

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~Sasuke’s P.O.V~

I awoke to find my bed empty. I got out of bed and looked around. “Tsukiko?” I called out, hoping she was around. When I couldn’t find her I began to panic. I quickly threw some clothes on and ran over to Naruto’s place.

Once there I rapidly knock on his door. “Wha— Sasuke? What’s wrong?” I could see he wasn’t quite awake.

“Have you seen Tsukiko?”

“Wasn’t she with you?”

“Not anymore…” Suddenly there was a cloud of smoke as Kakashi appeared. I twirled around. “Have you seen her?”

“I saw her leave the village last night.”

That’s all I needed to hear. I ran outside the village gates in pursuit of her. Who leaves after someone kisses you; confesses to you? What was making her run? Who was making her leave?

~Tsukiko’s P.O.V~

At the end of the tree note there was an arrow pointing west. I follow the path for the longest time. Watching everything around me. Wondering what everyone else was doing. The rustling of leaves caught my attention. A rabbit jumped out. I relaxed a bit. After a few hours of walking I began to see a gate not far ahead. As I got closer I saw the figure of someone leaning against the gate. It was an extremely pissed off Sasuke. Just one glance from his cold dark eyes and I broken down.

I felt his arms wrap themselves around me. They were cold to the touch. I noticed he was breathing deeply. It was then that I realized he ran. He ran all the way here just to find me. I pulled away from him but he just grabbed my wrist and pulled me back against his chest.

“Whatever you’re running from, I’m here. You don’t have to run anymore.” I heard the rustling of leaves as someone feet hit the ground.

I turned around to find my brother. “So you actually went after her?” Huh? What’s he talking about? I looked up at Sasuke but he didn’t seem to know then it hit me. I pushed myself out of Sasuke’s arms and stood in front of him.

“Brother….” I growled. I jumped up and kicked him across the side of his head. After flying and hitting a few trees he got up.

He walked over to me and said, “Ow, what was that for?”

“What do you mean what was that for? You’re the one you caused all this aren’t you?” I said frustrated.

“I just wanted to see if he really cared for you. A little appreciation would be nice.” I sighed as I ruffled his hair, “Ow, ow, ow that hurts.”

I swear he was just like a little brother instead of older.“Thank you.”


Once Sasuke, Katashi and I made it back to the village Kakashi-sensei said we could have the day off.

“Let’s have dinner together.”

“RAMEN!” Naruto yelled.

“Yeah we can have ramen. It’s not bad once in a while.” I laughed.

Once we made it to the ramen shop I sat on Sasuke’s left as Sakura sat on his right. Naruto sat on Sakura’s other side as Katashi sat on my left. When everyone got their ramen I could see Sakura glaring at me. She was upset at how close Sasuke was near me. I looked at Sasuke from the corner of my eye and got a fun idea. The look on Sakura’s face was going to be hilarious.

As Sasuke finished eating I said, “Sasuke you got something on your face.” He was about to wipe it off with his hand before I stopped him, leaning in as I dragged my tongue across the corner of his lip.

“Ah, thanks.” He muttered.

I looked over at Sakura and I was right. She was pissed. Extremely pissed. I couldn’t stop laughing. Naruto was shocked also. But he was more shock that Sasuke actually let me do that.

Before I had a chance to do anything Sakura had me pined on the ground. Her thighs pressed securely on each side of my waist. She hands wrapped around my wrist as they laid limp on the ground.

“I won’t accept it.” She hissed. “I won’t accept that he has picked you over me I wo—“ I did the least thing she expected. I kissed her. Only on the cheek thought. She let go of my wrists as she rubbed her cheek. “What are you, gay?”

“I could be, want to find out?” I purred. I got up off the ground and stumbled back over to my seat.

“Are you okay?” Sasuke asked.

“Yeaaahh I’m fine,” My words slurred together. I grabbed my glass to take a drink when Sasuke took it from me. He brought the glass to his nose.

“This is sake. Who gave you this?”

“Ah I'm so sorry the new employee got the bottles mixed up,” the manager said.

~Sasuke’s P.O.V~

After talking to the manger for some time I found Tsukiko passed out leaning against my shoulder. I looked around to see everyone staring at her. “I’ll take her home. Tell Kakashi-sensei we might be skipping training tomorrow.” Well it didn’t really matter if they told him or not. I picked Tsukiko up bridal style. As soon as I did that she curled up against my chest.

Once home I laid her on the bed as I removed her shoes. I removed my shirt as I curled up on the bed myself. I suddenly began laughing as I remembered her running around saying she was trying to catch the flying unicorn. She was definitely different when she was drunk. I slowly sunk into a peaceful rest, with Tsukiko cuddled up against my side. 

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