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|271 𝐀𝐂, 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥

Naerys was a person who found joy in rising early in the morning. She believed in the philosophy of starting one's day early to get the most out of it, and in this case she had to because she had a lot of ground to cover. In planning her trip to Summerhall, she only confided her plans to two people: Janna and Lady Olenna. The Fat Flower surely wouldn't have permitted such a trip, especially on her own and with her newly hatched dragons, and lady Alerie was... lady Alerie. The woman was a stickler for tradition and, much like her husband, would not permit the trip. Olenna had a sway over the household not even her son had and was able to negotiate with the stablehands for their fastest steeds. Janna would cover for her in her lessons with the Septa those days days was gone and she'd been smuggling food out of the kitchens to help stock up her resources for the trip. She even went as far as stealing a fine bottle of Arbor red from her family's winery. Naerys was hesitant, seeing as she needed to stay sober for the trip, but Janna managed to convince her.

"This is for your birthday, silly. How else are you going to celebrate stepping into womanhood?"

Naerys took the gift. But Janna wasn't done with her yet.

"And when you get back," she told her, "we'll throw you a feast."

"Thank you, Anna, but there is no need for that," said Naerys. "I much prefer quiet, intimate gatherings."

"Well, what's more intimate than a great big feast held in your honour? We're doing it. This is non-negotiable."

And let it be known that when Janna Tyrell sets her mind on something, it cannot be moved. Not even by the greatest force.

A moon's worth of planning finally came to a head the night Naerys was to make her journey. With the swift black stallion she'd been given, Summerhall would be two day's ride or less if she did not take too many breaks.

For the journey she wore a black leather jerkin with brown breeches and riding boots with a dagger hidden in one of them. She threw on an old cloak to cover her hair and the satchel with her food, water and raw cubes of meat for her dragons. As for the dragons themselves, she'd made a whicker cage big enough to house the two of them and small enough to ride with her. Once she'd safely (and quietly) coaxed them inside, the princess furtively made her way through the castle to the stables. There she mounted the horse Blackwind, astride, secured the whicker cage to her saddle and making sure it was safely hidden beneath her cloak, trotted away from the keep.

To take the front gate was folly, the Queen of Thorns warned her. "There is a passageway hidden by vines and weeds behind the castle that hasn't been used since Aegon's conquest."

"But you know about it," Naerys pointed out, "so you must have used it."

Lady Olenna dismissively waved away the notion. "Pah! Never mind that. Use it or don't, your highness, but if I were you I would."

FIRE & BLOOD | 𝐑𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐄𝐍✔Where stories live. Discover now