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Dearest Sister,

I hope all is well with you in the North. Mother misses you very much. The Kingsguard, too. They say a light has gone from the Keep since your departure. But I shan't bore you with the many compliments you've probably already received from the others.
My training continues and I am getting better. I have began learning to use my left-hand for combat and it proves as favourable as my right. Horseriding, on the other hand, has proven more of a challenge. I slipped on the stirrups and fell with the saddle on my head rather than the other way around. I am telling you this in absolute confidence, Naerys, therefore should I hear word of it spreading in the North I will know who to blame. Ser Barristan already laughed at me and I'm sure you are too as you're reading this.

I went to Summerhall again and stayed longer than I intended. I composed a new song and I'd very much like for you to hear it. I named it Jenny of Oldstones, after our aunt.

I now see my letter is getting too long so I will end it here and write you again soon. Don't burn the North down, please. Father will be furious.

All my love,


Rhaegar was the brightest mind in the Seven kingdoms and he predicted her actions all too well. Naerys had to stop herself from rolling in laughter at his horse incident and so as to not bump into the eggs. She'd just transferred them from the the hearth to her side seeing as all that was left was waning embers.

Dear Naerys,

I hope you're staying warm. I know you will be safe under Lord Rickard's watch and I am glad you are being tutored by Maester Walys. I've heard many good things about him and I hope you aren't escaping your lessons anymore.
I am with child again and I will be leaving for Dragonstone soon. I am hoping for a boy this time.
I miss you dearly, my dragon-flame, and even though your brother may not say it, he misses you a great deal. He's been quieter since you left and has buried himself in his duties and training and music. I hardly get to see him and I worry for him. His duties as prince of Dragonstone seem to grow day by day.

I hope to hear from you soon. I love you.


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