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271 𝐀𝐂, 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠

"Where is he?" The Queen asked Ser Gerold. The beautiful Queen appeared gentle, but one must remember that she is, too, the blood of Old Valyria and her anger could be as destructive as the volcanoes that ruined that great empire.

"His chambers, Your Grace."

The king and his Hand were in the middle of a heated discussion when the doors to his chambers blew open and the Queen swooped in on them like an unexpected storm.

"How could you send her there without my leave?!" She pointed an accusing finger at her husband.

Aerys massaged the bridge of his and told Tywin, "We will resume later." The Lord of Casterly Rock begrudgingly bowed to his king first then the Queen on his way out. To his Queen the king said, "Sit."

She remained standing. "You should have consulted me. She is my daughter!"

"The Tyrells will be kind to her, I assure you. They only wished to foster her--"

"I do not care what the Tyrells want. I don't even bloody care what you want. Naerys is not your pawn to be used however you please whenever you see fit."

Aerys's jaw ticked. Slowly, he rose and stalked towards Rhaella until they were chest to chest. "Watch your tongue, woman. I am your king first, your husband second and your brother last. Naerys is the princess of the Seven Kingdoms, the Darling of the Realm and I will use her as I like. Is that understood. I said, is that understood?"

Rhaella was adamant in her anger and did not cease glaring at him. But this was not a battle she would win today, so she backed down and left much the same as she came in.

Meanwhile, the drawbridge dropped and the portcullis rose as the castle opened to welcome its Silver prince back from Summerhall. His dark steed galloped so fast into the Keep all one could see was a blur of silver and black, until he pulled on the reins as he saw his mother descending the steps of Maegor's Holdfast.

"Welcome back." Rhaegar descended from his horse and embraced his mother.

"Where is Naerys? Is she still yet to return?" He asked, searching for his sister as if she'd appear any moment. Rhaella pulled away and clasped her hands, trying to find the right words to tell him.

"She is in Highgarden," she said, "The Tyrells asked your father for half a year to foster her and he granted their request."

Whatever high spirits he came with faded as mist in the air. He'd been looking forward to this day for an entire year and to have it ripped from him like this...

FIRE & BLOOD | 𝐑𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐄𝐍✔Where stories live. Discover now