Chapter Twenty-Two: Absquatulate

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ab·squat·u·late |  /abˈskwäCHəˌlāt/

(v.) to leave without saying goodbye; abscond; to flee.

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"Rarilee...?" I gasped as I beheld the familiar McDonalds employee before me. "No... I should have known! I should've known to never trust a person with an affinity for puns after Sans!"

"Oh, Wonder, naïve as always," Quackity taunted. "You knew Rarilee was a friend of Monty Burns, didn't you?"

"I told you that on the train," Rarilee told me, looking surprisingly apologetic for someone who just revealed themself to be a traitor. "I'm sorry, Wonder. I don't even really know why I'm here, I didn't realize how bad this would be."

She sounded genuine, so I couldn't help but forgive her. "It's alright, Rarilee. I forgive you. I'm sure you weren't intentionally a bad guy, unlike this asshole who brought you."

I gestured to Quackity, who scoffed.

"Let's just get straight to the point," he snapped. "Where is Ballora? I know she's here with you."

"I haven't seen her," I easily lied. "Why do you think I would have seen her?"

"She was with you, wasn't she?" Quackity took a step forward, pulling out the sword that he had brought with him. "When Sans attacked you, just like when she was with you after those Tumblr sexymen found you!"

"No, she wasn't!" I denied, taking a small step back. "She wasn't with me, just leave me alone! What would I want with her? She's useless to me! I'm too good-hearted to force information out of people!"

"Be that as it may, you would have found other uses for her," Quackity seethed, pointing the sword at me. "I'll ask you once more; where is she?"

"I don't know!" I shouted as I backed up against the wall. Quackity advanced forward, pressing the tip of his blade against my throat. "I don't know where she is, I swear! She left after the fight with Sans, I don't know where she went!"

Quackity raised an eyebrow at me. "So she was with you," he said. "What were you doing with her?"

I sighed, gritting my teeth. "I just saw her eyes when you shot her... and I couldn't just leave her there, okay? That's all! I brought her to my apartment to heal her wound! Glitch and the rest wanted me to use her for information, but I couldn't do that! We were together since then, but she left right after we fought with Sans, I let her go!"

My explanation intrigued Quackity, as did it Comet. Rarilee had lost interest, and was leaning against the doorframe, watching the scene unfold before her.

"It's kind of odd, isn't it?" Comet asked, moving forward a little. "You take Ballora into your apartment, and yet she made no attempt to try and kill you during her time. I just think that's a bit weird, don't you, Quackity?"

My eyes widened slightly as Comet said this. "Listen, uh... she didn't try to kill me because I was- I sedated her! She had no opportunity to kill me!"

"If that was the case, how was she able to leave after your fight with Sans?" Quackity asked, his voice soft as he pondered this. "She's been here for over a week... and she made no attempts to kill you."