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Delilah's pov:
It's been 5 days and Ponyboy AND Johnny are missing.

Well we have an idea of where they are. Dally said that they ran off to Texas. But I don't believe that.

I have been to the Curtis house everyday just to hope Pony is back and I can hug him and kiss him and just be in his presence again.

But every time I would come back to only two Curtis brothers instead of three.

It only broke my heart more.

And I felt like I should do something.

Like I need to go look for them or write to them or SOMETHING!

I can't just sit around and act like they're still there. I can't and I won't.

I was starting to loose my mind. We all were, really.

I wish I had stayed with Pony at the drive in. MAYBE he'd still be here!

And to top it all off.

We saw on the news that two teenagers had killed a student named Bob Sheldon.

Cherry's boyfriend.

That also made my heart drop.

So that means Cherry could have been part of it. She could've made Bob go psycho and he wanted to hurt Pony or something.

It made me even more worried then before.

I wasn't going to talk to Cherry about it though. I can't bring myself to ask her. I just can't.

But back to present day I was yet again sitting on the Curtis couch watching Mickey with Darry and Sodapop.

We all were just watching the tv when the phone rang.

Darry quickly got up to answer it.

"Darry Curtis speaking." Darry said into the phone.

"Really?!" Darry said all of a sudden loudly, catching me and Soda's attention.

Me and Sodapop gave each other a confused look and then turned back to look at Darry.

"Yes, yes we will be right there." Darry said quickly and hung up.

Darry turned to us with a happy yet sad smile.

He looked like he was gonna cry.

"What's happening Darry?" Soda asked

"Get in the car fast." Darry said as he quickly grabbed his keys and put on his shoes.

Me and Soda got up immediately and grabbed our shoes too.

We headed out the door and into Darry's truck. Soda sat in the front and I sat in the back.

"Darry what is happening?" I asked Darry too, sense I was now a little worried.

"You'll see." Was all he said before he drove off the driveway.
We drove for 20 minutes until we pulled up to a hospital.

And I immediately knew what that meant.

I started tearing up. Not bawling but a few tears of happy cry's came out.

Once Darry came to a stop in the parking lot I jumped out and basically ran to the entrance to see my boy.

Darry and soda followed after me and we went up to the front desk.

Darry walked up and asked for a "Ponyboy Curtis."

I got so happy I could've started dancing right there.

Once she said he was waiting in the lobby on floor 2 I quickly dashed up the stairs.

I made it onto the second floor and walked around the corner. Looking for a familiar brunette boy.

Just to find a very ashy blonde boy. But I could recognize who it was just because of their green eyes.


He was looking up at the ceiling but once he saw me in his field vision he fully turned his head and looked at me.

I slowed down and gave him a sad smile.

He returned it.

He quickly got up from his seat and ran to me.

He got up to me and hugged me the hardest he's ever hugged me.

He had his hands wrapped around my waist with his head in the croak of my neck.

I had my hands around his neck and my chin leaning against his shoulder.

I started crying even harder then before. I could hear him start crying too.

He kept whispering in my ear-

"I missed you. I missed you. I love you. I missed you." Over and over again.

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