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Delilah's pov:
I slowly opened my front door when I got home. Trying to not awake my family. I shut the door as quite as I could and when I thought I was safe I wasn't.

Cherry stood behind me glaring at me as I turned around.

"Jesus! Cherry you bout gave me a heart attack!" I said putting my hand over my chest.

"You're late, way late." She said still glaring at me not caring that I just about had a heart attack.

"Only by 30 minutes, plus your always late for your curfew so why do you care?"

"Because I know who you went to the nightly double with." She said sternly

My heart dropped. Oh god if she found out I went with a greaser she'll tell mom and I won't be allowed out of the house ever again!

"Really? Who was i with then?" I said glaring at her.

"Ponyboy Curtis."


"Oh yeah you got proof?" I said trying to hope she's joking.

"I saw you two, I decided sense you haven't ever had real friends, that I needed to see this friend for myself." She said smirking a devilish grin at me. She knew what she was doing.

"Why can't you ever mind your business! Snooping on me because I finally have a friend what the hell Cherry!" I yelled back. Why would she snoop? Why couldn't she just be happy I finally had a friend?

"Because I didn't believe you! No way in hell you would hang out with any socs, you barely even like Randy and Marcia and you can't stand any socs that even looks at you! So I figured it probably wasn't a soc and it was really a greaser!" She yelled back. Mom is definitely gonna hear this argument.

"So?! Who cares if it's a greaser! I finally have a friend Cherry who doesn't just want you! Who actually wants me! Do you not understand what that's like, I have been lonely for god knows how long and when someone finally comes and makes me happy, YOU have to go and ruin it!" I was crying at this point.

She never understood what it was like to feel unwanted, I've never had a best friend. Cherry on the other hand, has had many best friends and regular friends. I was always the one left out, the one to get all the mean, snotty comments about how I'm just some side job and how I'll never have anyone who really wants to be friends with me.

She just looked at me as I sobbed. She had a sad look on her face looking like she regrets her choice of words.

"Delilah, I-"

"No! I don't want to hear anything else from you." I stormed up stairs to my room and slammed my door shut.

I fell onto my bed and cried. Why couldn't she just be happy for me? I thought she liked greasers too? She does she just wants to get back at me for yelling at her. She's just mad that someone isn't actually using me for her for once.

After I cried for a little while, I finally got the courage to get up and fix myself up for bed.

I got up and walked to my dresser and pulled out some pjs. I took off my shoes and jacket and put my pjs on.

I flopped back on my bed and got under the covers. It was a good day till I got home. I should've stayed the night.

Delilah's pov:

I woke up to the darkness of my room, my eyes had dark circles under them from me crying all night.

I slowly got up dreading having to talk to Cherry or anyone in my family for that matter.
I made my way to my bathroom and turned on the shower. I undressed and got in, very peaceful before I had to face my family. Cherry probably told mom about my greaser friend, gonna get my ass chewed.

I got out of the shower and got dressed. I didn't bother putting on makeup I didn't feel like it.

As I went downstairs, mom was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper as if she was waiting for me to come down, cherry was sitting next to her with a guilty look on her face. My stomach churned, my palms started sweating.

"Good morning Delilah." My mother said. She hardly ever says my name when she greets me in the morning.

"Good morning mom." I said nervously

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" She said putting her newspaper down on the coffee table glaring at me. What is up with my family always glaring at me?

"No mom I don't know what you mean? Did I do something?"

"Yes you very much did." She got up from her seat and made her way over to me.

"Tell me why, I heard you and cherry fighting last night, about you going to the nightly double with a greaser boy?" She said while staring right into my eyes like they were piercing right through my brain.

"I- mom." I looked around nervously glancing back and forth at Cherry and mom.

"Why were you hanging out with greasers when you know you can't be hanging with them!" She screamed in my face.

I was about to cry.

"You know greasers aren't worth it! So why waste your time with one huh?!" She screamed in my face again. I couldn't help it I started sobbing. Again.

"Because he's my only friend Mom!" I screamed back, choking on my words. Was this fight really necessary?

"What are you talking about you have plenty of friends?! What about Patty you always hung out with her!"

"No I wouldn't mom! She used me to get to Cherry, like all the rest did!"

"Whatever! Your grounded for the rest of your life. No going to places without your sister."


"I said what I said." She walked back to the couch and picked back up her newspaper.

I was too mad and sad to say anything. I glanced at cherry and ran up to my room, slamming my door as hard as I could.

Now my only friend that I've ever had, was gone. All thanks to miss prissy stuck-up Cherry Valance.

I sobbed the day away just laying in my bed till it was sunset.
Ponyboy's pov:

It's been a week sense I went to the nightly double with Delilah, and she hasn't called or been to the library sense. I'm starting to worry. Was she okay? Is she mad at me? Did she really not like me? Maybe I should go see her.

I told Darry I was going to the library and I'd be back in a few hours, but really I was going to Delilah's house. I know I know! It's a terrible idea but I'm worried about her and I'm gonna go find out why she's not been seen.

I started walking over to the west side, tossing my bouncy ball up and down catching it with my hand as it falls back down. Over and over again. Until I hear a mustang come and stop behind me.

"What's a greaser doing on our territory?!" Some drunk soc said.

Fuck. I'm almost to her house, come on!

"Hey man I don't want any trouble I'm just looking for my friend." I said trying to hide my fear.

"Aw that's too bad looks like you won't be seeing that friend anytime soon." Another drunk soc said

Suddenly the drunk socs jumps on top of me pulling me to the ground.

No. No. No I'm almost there!

"Let's see if we can cut all that greasy hair off." As the drunk soc flips out his switchblade.

Oh no.
Delilah's pov:
I was sitting on my bed reading a book when I hear a knock on the door. I groaned slowly getting up from my bed and leaving my book there. Cherry, Gabe, and mom we're out grocery shopping so I had an hour or two alone. So I figured it wasn't them.

I slowly approached my door and opened to reveal Ponyboy but he was all cut up and bruised.

"Omg Ponyboy! Are you okay?! What the hell are you doing on this side?!" I said as I cupped his face with my hands inspecting his face.

"I wanted to see you..." he said shyly

"Oh pony.."

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