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Delilah's pov:
Me and pony ran up to the gate and up his front porch. We walked in and It seemed that no one was home. Maybe that was a good thing though.

"Where's your aid kit? I'm sure you have one." I said turning to pony.

He walked over to the kitchen and pulled out the aid kit from the cabinet. He walked up to me, I tried taking the kit from him but he swiped it away.

"I'm fixing you first." He said while sitting me down onto the couch and him sitting next to me.

"Okay turn and face the wall so I can bandage your head."

I turned and faced the wall as he wrapped my head with the bandage. It felt a whole lot better.

When he finished he got up and went back to the kitchen. He came back into the living room with some medicine and water.

"Take this, it'll help ease the pain." He said handing me the drink and pills.

I took them from his hand and swallow the pills. My head was throbbing hard. Probably from running and hitting it.

"Now you head to the bathroom so I can fix that cut." I said getting up and pointing to him.

"Alright alright!" He said holding his hands up and smiling heading towards the bathroom.

I grabbed the kit and walked into the bathroom and shut the door. Pony sat down on the toilet while I sat on the edge of the tub. I opened the kit and grabbed some alcohol and a bandage.

"I'm gonna clean the cut, so it'll sting but I'm sure you know that." He nodded and closed his eyes.

I inched towards his neck while putting the bandage on his neck patting the blood off. He hissed a little in pain. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, hoping he'd pay attention to my hand than the stinging. He relaxed a little as I continued to clean his neck.


"Yeah, pony?"

"You ever wonder why socs are so mean?" Pony opened his eyes, and looked down at me.

"Yeah, all the time. I mean, I'm surprised there isn't more good socs, you'd think they'd be smarter considering how much money they have." I said looking into his eyes. Smiling softly

"It doesn't make sense." Pony said starting to get glossy eyed. I hated it when he cried.

"I mean, we never bother them! We always mind our business, never try to start anything with them, never say anything! And they still go and treat us like garbage!" Pony said starting to cry and holding his hands.

I removed the bandage from his neck and looked at him.

"I know, pony."

He kept looking down at his hands crying softly.

"But I do know this."

Pony looked up from his hands and looked into my eyes. I grabbed his hand.

"I care about you, more than anything in this world. I would do anything to save you from being in pain. And it always hurts my heart ever time I see you hurt in the slightest way, either mentally or physically." I said starting to cry too.

Pony kept looking at me starting to cry harder.

"I know I can't do anything to stop these socs or to help protect you. But the least I could do is care for you and love you the best way I can."

I softly smiled at pony, he smiled back.

"You make me happy, Delilah. I don't know what I'd do without you." Pony said pulling me into a hug and sobbing into my chest.

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