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the phone call ended not long after it had started. finney filled us in on as much as he could and let us know about gwens new insight on where the grabber was keeping the missing kids.

"the place was the exact same as in her dreams" he had told us. gwen had already reported it to the police and was on her way back there already, and finney was letting us know to meet with them there also, because apparently the siblings aren't fearful of getting kidnapped now.

and seems like robin isn't afraid of it either as he agreed to go instantly. of course, since he said yes i would have to go too. also because it wouldn't be wise to let all of them go separately to a death trap, so the least i could do is accompany at least one of them which would be robin, of course.

thankfully, by the time that we got our stuff ready to go out, the rain had calmed down and stopped, which was obviously convenient for all of us.

robin and i told tio that we would be going out to meet with finney which obviously wasn't a lie, but what we didn't mention was that we were taking the risk of getting abducted. again.

and so with that we left and headed for the location that finney had told us to go to. it wasn't too far as it's only took us approximately 10 minutes to get there whilst running, practically dashing.

by the time we got there, the police had only just arrived as well, however finney and gwen seemed to have been waiting for a while which would be explanatory since they had bikes.

gwen pointed towards the house in which she saw the grabber to have been in and the officers went straight to it.

robin and i ran to the siblings when we spotted them and finney instantly gave us a rather surprised and suggestive look at the sight of us together even though he knew we would be coming as a two.

we just brushed it off with a hug as we were all seeing each other again, though we were separate for only a few hours. it was good to know that nothing horrific happened to us whilst we weren't together.

apart from gwen who had seemed to have been bleeding.

"are you okay? what happened?" i asked her, pointed to her palms. she explained that she had fallen off her bike and therefore grazed them.

although she said she was fine, i still blew on the cuts and tried whipping off the blood that had been pooping out.

the police soon came out again of the house as some ambulances drove into the road, asking us to move out of the way, and of course we complied as told.

the paramedics went into the house quickly and left even quicker, as they brought 3 boys out with them.

at first it was hard to tell the state they were in but after a long glance, we could tell they were only just alive.

"but where's bruce?" finney managed to get out, making our attention shift from them to him, until the front door of the opposite house opened.

bruce ran out and fell to his knees, just before the police then rushed into that house. turns out that the man who was staying in that house was supposedly the brother of the grabber and was very much interested in the abduction cases himself.

unfortunately for him, seems like he hadn't known that his loving sibling kept children in the basement. silly mistake that he made by not making sure that he wasn't related to a kidnapper.

looking from right to left, it was obvious that the grabber had been evil to them and hadn't shown any mercy whatsoever. all the boys were covered in blood and bruises. it was a miracle that they were even able to get out still breathing.

all had seen to come to some peace until the grabber himself drove in the road. robin and i were able to identify him first, of course, as we were already fond of his van. 'shit we didn't report him to the police..' i thought ran through my head, but it hadn't mattered now, as we could get him sent behind bars at this very moment.

as the man got out of his van, not only was he welcomed to handcuffs, since robin raced to tell the police about him, but he also got to see his little abducted boys for the last time, still alive though he left them to die.

i walked towards robin, with finney and gwen following behind, and slipped my hand into his as we watched the grabber being taken to the back of a police van (just like the kids got put in that immoral man's van) and the victims standing in front of us as they were being provided with towels and water.

"this was what was in my dream." gwen said, looking up at us. "i'm glad it's all over now though"

quick a/n: there's gonna be an epilogue xo
also apologies for the long wait w this part <//3

bloody lovers // yn + robin arellanoWhere stories live. Discover now