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after around a 5 to 10 minute walk, we reached my house, and we dropped off robins stuff, that had put in his school backpack, into my bedroom where we would all be sleeping.

at this point, the clock had just turned 4 oclock, meaning that the blake siblings would be arriving in approximately an hours time.

this would have given us just enough time to go buy any drinks or food that we would like to feast on, and prepare my room to be as comfortable as possible for the two coming.

with the money that robins uncle gave us and some left over cash that my parents left on the counter, in case i would ever want to go out to cure any ravenous, we had just over 8 dollars to spend which would be plentiful for us to spend.

since both robin and our lived rather close to each other, we both had the same local shop which we knew inside out, meaning we would be able to get the snacks that would be wanting rather quickly as we already knew where they would be.

we used a short cut to get there, however it was in a desolate area, behind some old theatre that hadn't been opened for maybe ten years, and so no one ever went there.

of course, it was risky to use this short cut as hardly anyone ever goes this way, and so if something were to happen to us, we wouldn't be able to call out for anyone to help, but we were willing to take the risk, as we knew that as we were going this way as a duo, there would be a less likely chance for something dangerous to happen.

well we were wrong. what we hadn't expected was to see someone exiting a black van, and walking towards our direction. he was wearing some sort of large jacket that looked like a cape due to the wind.

at the very moment i noticed him, i grabbed onto robin, linking our arms, and leaned into him to whisper "there's black balloons in the van that that man came out of." alerting him to begin to at least walk faster or at least start to run in case we were about to get abducted.

thankfully, robin got the message as he made me let go of his arm and instead he grabbed my wrist, pulling me along as he ran rapidly through the isolated area, and into the car park of the shop, in which security cameras were installed around.

as soon as we noticed that people were around and got their attention on us since we had just ran, hand in hand, from some remote area that was well hidden through some cars, completely out of breath, and faces full of fear.

robin grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me deep into my soul as he asked "yn, are you okay?" and dropped his arms down and placed my hands in his. "i cant believe we just saw that maldito fucker." he panted out, looking over his side to check if who we assumed to have been the grabber was still following us.

"god, i hate running" i blurted out, letting out a small laugh and sinking into robin, making him catch me, basically causing us to have hugged, but i instantly let go as i realised what had happened.

we then hurry to the shop, this time being more cautious of our surroundings, as we kept on the lookout for anyone that looked suspicious, even though we were probably the suspicious looking ones as we made ourselves seem to be thieves or with intentions of committing a crime.

but we hadn't minded as now we knew who we would have to be on the look out for, and we also now had some information that could help the police find the grabber quicker. hopefully.

bloody lovers // yn + robin arellanoWhere stories live. Discover now