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we entered the cafeteria and chose to sit at the table closest to the exit. we told finney what we wanted to eat before he went to buy it.

whilst waiting for him to come back, i decided to take this time to examine robin.

he was sitting on the opposite side of the table, and watching finney from afar.

'since when did he have that thing on his knuckles?' i wondered, noticing that the hand that was covered in blood now had some sort of bandage on it.

unfortunately, i wasn't being too secretive whilst looking at him, since he had clearly seemed to notice when he asked "you got starring issues, chica?" then he hid his hands under the table, turning quickly to look back at robin once more.

my cheeks flushed with embarrassment from his comment, but also because he called me a name which i had no idea what the meaning was. 'i really need to start learning spanish..'

finally, finney came back with our snacks, and although there wasn't a wide variety of snacks to choose from, i still got my favourite, a cinnamon roll.

of course, i had finished my snack the quickest as this was also the first thing i ate today. "that was really good, wow." i said, picking up the roll packet and my tissues i used to wipe my mouth after eating.

as i made my way to through the rubbish away into the closest bin, i noticed the same three boys that came out of the toilets earlier approaching the bin i was headed to.

"excuse me. youre in the way of the bin?" i spoke out, attempting to be rude in the nicest way possible.

even though they hadn't budged, i decided to barge right past them, although i quite clearly shouldn't have been doing that on just my first day.

i knocked the curly head into the red head, consequently bumping into the brown haired boy that looked like he belonged to the rolling stones.

they all shot me a look, just as the emo looking boy said "you're the new girl, right? i heard that robin dude has to be your bitch this week, taking you everywhere. seems like youre the one following him everywhere though." making his friends chuckle.

being mature, i ignored his pointless remark and brushed past them all after getting rid of my waste.

i went back to sit down with who i hope to be able to call my new friends, however the other three followed behind.

"hey finney. robin. so we never got your name, new girl." they said, although i still dont reply to them as i wasn't interested in them or their small talk.

they clearly didnt get the hint though.

robin stood from his seat, finney too, and so i copied and stood up with them.

to our luck, the bell went just as the curly head opened his mouth to speak.

"bye shitheads, dont speak to us again." robin got the last say and flipped them off in the meantime.

bloody lovers // yn + robin arellanoWhere stories live. Discover now