19 ~ i like that ur broken, broken like me

978 15 16

Tam's POV

I was sweating buckets.

I was standing outside of Biana's house while my brain went back and forth about arguments for why and why not I should be standing here. While my brain was bickering, my heart forced me to step forward and ring the doorbell.

By the way, Biana's house is huge. A mansion. Too big to possibly function. It took a good 5 minutes for someone to answer, and then, it wasn't Biana.

Instead, it was a teal-eyed boy with messy dark hair. He was undeniably attractive, but there was one reason that I felt a shock of hope: he looked exactly like a male version of Biana.

"H-hi. I'm Tam. I'm h-here to see Biana." I stuttered, my voice shaking.

The boy raised his eyebrows. "Biana's not taking any visitors."

I felt myself turn pale. Not taking any visitors was what happened when people were sick... dying sick, really bad sick, and that could not be happening to Biana, not after everything that had happened, not before I could -

"Woah, chill." The boy said, and I realized I was shaking. "I'll go ask."

The boy slammed the door in my face and returned a couple minutes later. "She's in her room."

The boy led me up winding hallways and massive staircases to a white door with the sparkly label ♥ Biana's Room ♥

The boy opened the door to a huge room, and then closed the door. Biana was sitting on a fluffy pink couch, watching Mean Girls. When I came in, she turned it off with a click and a sigh.

"Um. Hi." I said nervously. "What happened to your leg?"

Biana's leg was elevated and wrapped in a thick cast. She was also dressed in furry pink pajamas, but I decided not to mention that. "Um, the unicorns from the sky stabbed me in the leg by accident." Biana replied sarcastically. "I broke it. What do you think, Sherlock?"

I sighed. "How?"

"I tripped." Biana said. "Courtesy of your obnoxious girlfriend Kelly."

"Kelly is not my girlfriend." I snapped. "She was using me."

Biana's aggravated expression faded. "What happened?"


7:00pm - party at Kelly's house

"Heyyy, Tam!" Kelly said brightly. "Thanks for coming!"

"Hi, Kelly." Tam replied, flushing bright red. "I bought you these pants. I don't know why."

Tam held up a box of Lululemon leggings, to which Kelly's expression turned gleeful. She snatched the bag out of his hands, and smiled. "I'll got put this up in my room. BRB!" 

Then she flounced away. Tam didn't see her for another hour, and what he did made his blood run cold.

Kelly was flirting with a handsome green-eyed guy. She giggled seductively and pulled him in for a kiss. They were at it for a long time, and all the while, Tam just stood there watching.

Watching the girl he'd liked betray him. Stab him in the back. It made his heart stop. Tam stormed downstairs, thinking of all the expensive gifts he'd given her. He'd used his life savings trying to impress this girl!

And yet, she'd pulled out his heart and trampled on it. Tam sat down in his car, trying not to cry. He made sure the doors were locked and the windows closed - and then let the tears come freely. He was sobbing. This was the worst heartbreak he'd felt since... since Biana.

Tam's crying instantly stopped. He knew what he needed to do. Tam inserted the keys in the car and the car zoomed away. 


I finished explaining what had happened, and Biana's face grew sympathetic. "I'm really sorry, Tam." She said. "She's not a good person."

"No, she's not." I choked down tears, but Biana's kind, concerned face made me lose it. I started bawling. "I just... I was such a horrible human being to you... I..."

Biana grabbed his face and lifted it up, and her face lit up with a soft smile. 

"I like you, Biana." I choked out. "I really like you. But I get if you don't like me. I get it."

Biana rolled her eyes. "I like you too, dummy."

Then she pulled her lips to mine.

𝐀 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 + tiana and romanceWhere stories live. Discover now