02 ~ now imma set ur house on fire

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Biana POV

I drove to school on my bike (my parents still refused to get me a car), and when I arrived, bolted to the bathroom to restyle my hair. I was thrilled to find that my best friends, Kelly Gardener and Crystal Peters, were already there. But they were talking in really hushed voices. I don't know why, but something told me to stay quiet, and I ducked into a stall before they could see me.

"Oh my god, did you see it?" Kelly whispered. "Mira's so right! She's so pathetic!"

"Not to be mean, but she's like, kind of a loser!" I'd heard those words so many times coming from Crystal's mouth: Not to be mean, but. Whenever she said that, it meant something really bad. They were probably talking about someone. But I stayed hidden.

"She's so lucky we didn't show Keefe!" Oh god - that was legit proof that they were talking about me. I was the only one in our friend group who had connections to Keefe. But tons of girls liked him - that was probably what they were talking about.

"Her life is going to be, like, ruined." Crystal said softly, but with a hint of glee. "I kind of feel bad, but, it's like, her fault."

I stormed out of the stall, and they both gasped - though Kelly hid her shock well.

"Heyyyyyyyy, bestie!" Kelly said, her valley-girl voice peeking through the British accent she'd tried to develop. "So I suppose you heard that conversation, right?"

"Um, yes." I refrained from adding any insults. That was their thing, not mine.

"We weren't talking about you. We were talking about Maya Graine. She has a huge crush on Keefe, and Maya's sister sent Mira's brother it, and showed it to Jesse, who showed it to us. Anyway, she butt-dialed Keefe - super drunk - and started asking to be his girlfriend. He said no, of course!"  

"Of course!" Crystal chimed in.

"Oh. Cool." I said, not very enthusiastically.

Kelly twirled a strand of her blonde hair on her perfectly manicured finger, then glanced at Crystal. "Kay, bye, bestie!" Crystal said suddenly, and they both sashayed out.

I sighed. Despite their denial, I was quite sure that had something to do with me. And... what were they talking about?

Sophie's POV

My best friends, Marella Redek and Linh Song, were both out sick.

The first day I'm not wearing thick, bulky glasses, my best friends aren't there for moral support. Go figure.

That's when I smelt it - popularity. I dived to my locker and stuck my head in just as the legendary Biana Vacker walked by. Everyone loves her, and I don't get why - she's kind of annoying, dumb, and stuck-up. Or maybe it was the fact that she was drop dead gorgeous. She makes Linh, the prettiest person I know, look ugly. I look like a troll compared to her.

Crystal Peters snickered at me, while Kelly Gardener tossed her bubblegum at me. "Go pick it up, nerd." Kelly ordered sharply.

"No." I mumbled. With her elephant-like hearing, Kelly turned to me with a wicked glare.

"What did you just say to me, nerd?" Kelly asked, strutting towards me.

"I said, no." I cleared my throat, trying to ignore the people staring.

"Listen, nerd, no one says no to me. No one." Kelly says, examining her hot pink nails angrily.

"Then you must be spoiled." I muttered, and a low giggle went through the crowd.

"Ha ha ha!" Kelly shrieked. "Laugh it up, nerd!" She pushed me, and I collapsed on the floor, hitting my head on the lockers with a loud bang.

A couple of scrawny freshman were staring at her, and she glared at them. "What are you looking at?"

Biana cast me a side-long look of sympathy, and the rest of the group stalked along. 

Well... I stood up for myself. That's something, right?

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