Day 9 - ShadAmy's Day

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(Chapter is in First Person)

(Amy's POV)

There's a bright light shining in my face, I can't keep my eyes closed for much longer, so I am forced to open them. I slowly open my eyes and I see white fluff surrounding my right eye. I lift my head, and see Shadow there, I also feel my hand being grabbed, so I look down at it. Shadow's hand is intertwined with me, and his other hand is holding my back securely on him. I would have panicked once more, but then that'd wake him up, so I keep my panic to myself. I feel my face getting very, very red. I try to ignore it as I carefully let go of his hand, using my free arm to remove his arm from my back. Luckily, he is still sleeping, so I can slip away. I began to climb off of him and stand up besides the couch. He still doesn't wake up, so I let him sleep for a little longer. Besides, he looks so peaceful while he sleeps.. He looks very angry, too, but that's just how he looks at first glance. I've gotten used to his face, and it doesn't look angry to me anymore. Instead, it looks soft and calm to me, but that's just my opinion.

I go upstairs, checking the time, it's noon now, so I still have a good portion of the day to spend with someone. I suppose I could hang out with Shadow again, since he's already here. Just have to wait for him to wake up and ask him..

I brush my quills a bit, just to get them to their usual soft and fluffy feeling, I put on my outfit, the dress, headband, and boots as always, and I make a quick breakfast. I make some french toast for myself, and some for Shadow as well, who is still sleeping soundly on my couch. I walk up to him, cupping his face in between my hands and shaking his head softly to wake him up. Within a few seconds, I see those sparkling blood-red eyes I like looking into open and look into my eyes. He finally awakens, sitting up and greeting me with a sleepy sounding "morning, Rose", before rubbing his eyes and yawning. I blush slightly but I let it go this time, I guess it's natural to feel this way, anyways. While Shadow's waking up and all of that, I grab our food and sit the plates directly in front of us, I sit on his left and begin eating, and he does the same once he notices the food. We eat in silence until we both finish, he helps me with the plates as he always does. He's such a kind soul, it's quite contrasting when you compare it to his usual mean appearance. But, he can't help but look that way, so it makes sense. I don't mind the way he looks anyways, because he's still a big softie.

After that's said and done, I look to Shadow, and I ask him,

 "Would you want to hang out with me today?"

He looks back at me, with a half-sleepy and half-bored look, and responds with 

"sure, that'd be a good way to spend the day."

I begin to walk out of my door, Shadow following behind me and walking at the same pace as me. We walk through the forest, heading towards the city. It's such a beautiful day, the sky is a clear blue, the trees and surrounding nature is more vibrant and colorful than usual, and there's a lot of happy people walking around, even some couples holding hands and giving small kisses to each other. Shadow and I end up at a roller skating rink, I haven't been here in forever, so it's pretty nostalgic for me. I drag Shadow in there, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the building. I get us some skates, and offer to pay for them, but Shadow says that he'll pay for them. I'm not letting Shadow win this small argument, so too bad for him. I quickly pull out some money and hand it to the person giving us our skates before Shadow gets the chance to. He looks at me in an angry but playful way, I stick my tongue out at him playfully, before dragging him over to the skating area. I put my skates on, and help him put his on, since he struggled a bit, since the strings on his skates were loose. He observed what i was doing, staring at my hands with a curious look on his face. Once that was said and done, I slowly stepped onto the skating place. I don't remember much about skating, since it's been a few years and all, but I used to be so good at this, it'll definitely come back to me, right?

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