Day 4 - Mystery Solved

570 10 1

Setting : Green Hills

Time : 9: 29 pm 
POV: Third person

Hours had passed by, and our pink hedgehog had just finished all of her chores. Who knew her house would need to be attended to so much? Amy had underestimated how much she actually had to do, and ended up taking an extended amount of time. She fell back on her fluffy and soft red couch in exhaustion, taking a moment to rest and relax.

"I didn't expect to have to much to do around this house, I guess I have to start taking better care of it more frequently, huh?"

Amy turned her head to look at the clock behind her, to see that the time read 9:30 pm
She had just about enough time to make some food. She had an intrusive thought about making food for both her and Sonic, but she was sure that Sally was providing food for Sonic at this point. It's a good thing she is, too, or Sonic would continue to have his unhealthy diet of only eating his chilidogs. Amy now had the urge to cook for two, and she knew the perfect person to cook for.

Putting some chicken into a pot, letting the chicken boil for a little bit, and putting together the ingredients needed for her special food, Amy had thought of the perfect meal to make for her dinner for two. She was going to make her childhood favorite, chicken tacos. Her mother made them quite often, and little Amy always loved the way they tasted. The day that her mother taught her step-by-step to make them, young Amy was thrilled. She had learned how to prepare the chicken, how to either make the homemade seasoning that you put into it, or where to get the seasoning if you were too lazy to make it yourself. Amy admired the complex way that you make such a delicious food, and made the tacos the exact way her mother taught her, so her mother would be proud of her, if she ever came around.

Smiling at the process of the food being made, Amy checked the chicken to find that it was ready for shredding. She put the chicken into a blender-like machine and let the chicken get ripped to shreds, as it should be. She put the chicken on a pan, letting it sit there for a moment as she held the tortillas over the stove. Her mother taught her a trick, the trick being that if you hold a tortilla over a low stove flame, the tortilla would get slightly crispy and add a bit of a crunch to the taco. Amy waited until the tortillas became a slightly brown color on the sides or so before taking them off of the stove and placing them on a plate.

She grabbed some shredded cheese and place it along the bottom of the tortillas, before leaving them there for a moment. She checked on the chicken, and seeing that it was ready, she added the seasoning that she had bought because she didn't have the right ingredients for the homemade version, and poured it onto the chicken, letting the flavor seep into the meat. While that happened, Amy went to go get some other things, such as some peppers, tomatoes, and etc. She cut up the veggies and left them in a bowl to place over the chicken once she put it their designated tortillas. She grabbed the chicken, seeing that it was done, and had enough chicken made for 4 tacos in total. She then grabbed the veggies and sprinkled them over the chicken, and then folded the tortilla, completing the taco.

Amy looked at her creation, and smelled the same smell that she was used to back when her mother cooked these for her. The nostalgia gave her a bit of confidence as she wrapped the tacos up in some plastic wrap, so they'd stay warm while Amy made her trip. Amy brought along a container of water, in case she got thirsty, along with her hammer because why not, right? She got her usual outfit ready, grabbed a flashlight and her red watch,  then stepped outside, feeling the temporary breeze in the air.

 It was supposed to get cold later that night, the temperature dropping to about 40 degrees fahrenheit, or around 4.4 degrees celsius. The pink girl figured that she'd be home before it got too cold, seeing as it was still somewhat early in the night. Amy made her way through the forest, seeing that it was creepier at night compared to the day. She could barely see that much ahead of her, so she had to use her flashlight to get an idea of where she was going. She heard the sounds of the nighttime creatures, which scared her a bit, more than she'd ever admit to herself. The pink hedgehog kept making her way through the forest, walking slightly faster than before, so she could get to her destination sooner. She was silently hoping to herself that the mysterious person would be there when she arrived, so she wouldn't be alone or waiting for too long. The forest at the moment consisted of darkness, nearly black trees, and the eerie crunching of grass with every step Amy took. Compared to the forest during the day, this was very contrasting and terrifying. She found some comfort in the fact that she brought along her piko piko hammer. That hammer helped her in a variety of situations, such as when she got into a heated argument with somebody, when she had to bust herself out of one of eggman's traps, or when eggman had caught her with one of his weird contraptions, and if she were locked away somewhere, she could easily bust herself out of there by summoning her hammer with the snap of a finger. Amy had made many memories with this hammer, and it was something she would take to her grave.

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