Day 8 - The Agreement

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Eggman was fixing some things in his base, adding stronger material to his robots, his pods, and other machinery. He now had 3 of the Chaos Emeralds, the red one, the purple one, and the yellow one. Now all he needed to power the cannon on the SCA were the last four, cyan, green, dark blue, and white. He knew exactly how he'd end up getting it. He knew what happened to Shadow on that Space Ark, he knew how important she was..

Checking the time and noticing that it was now a new day, he excitedly expected his soon-to-be hedgehog ally to walk through his base doors, ready to hear what he has to say. He continued to work on his machinery when he heard the footsteps of the back hedgehog walking through the door to the room Eggman was in. Metal Sonic accompanying him, as he let Shadow in through the newly added defense system, this system would keep Sonic and his friends out, and only Eggman and his machines would be able to get in.

Eggman stood up and quickly walked towards Shadow, reaching out a hand as an offering of peace. Shadow took Eggman's hand, and got straight to business.

"What did you want me to meet you here for, Eggman?"

"Well, Shadow, I know about your past, I know about what those people did to you, and I know about her."

"What could you possibly know about her, she's gone, and the only way that you'd ever find anything about her, or myself, is if you-"

"-go to the Space Colony Ark ship"

Eggman finished Shadow's sentence before Shadow himself could say it. Shadow glared at Eggman, not appreciating being cut off while he was speaking. He spoke again, this time not letting Eggman interrupt him.

"Yeah, that. What does any of that matter, I've learned to accept it and move on, I don't want to remember the past, nor try to do anything about the future related to the past."

"You could get your revenge on the ones that killed her, though."

"I already forgave them, Eggman. I am at peace with that dark side of me, I refuse to help you harm other people."

Shadow began walking away, when Eggman said something that interested him greatly.

"What if they take Amy, too?"


"Everyone close to you, everyone that you ever loved, and cherished, and thought of as family, died. My grandfather, Maria, everyone on that ship that treated you with even the littlest bit of respect and love, died. What if.. you get close to that blue rat, the pink r- I mean Amy, Tails, Cream, all of them? Do you want to be left alone again?"

"I'll protect them, I am stronger now, I trained for so long, and I am now powerful enough to defend them, even if it comes at the price of my life."

Eggman knew that Shadow was being very adamant about this, but he knew where Shadow's emotional side resided at, he also knew that Shadow would believe any lie that he told him, because he barely knew him, or anyone besides Sonic and his friends, so far.

"What if I told you.. that there are people hunting after Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy..?"

At the mention of the pink hedgehog, Shadow's ears perked up.

"There are people after her? What for? She's done nothing but treat people with such kindness and respect! Wait.. Why should I believe you? You hurt Amy and Cream earlier!"

"It was Metal Sonic that harmed the rabbit girl, not me. I didn't know he'd harm her. I wouldn't harm a Mobian as small as her, I promise, that was an accident. As for Amy, she tried to attack me first, I shot her arm because I knew she'd survive. I am trying to help you here, I have an idea."

"That is a fair point, I will trust you, but only if you promise, not to hurt Amy, Cream, or Tails again."

"Fine.. you have a deal. I promise."

"Good. Now, I'll listen to what you have to say."

"As I was saying, there have been people looking for those four, to dissect them and analyze them. They want to dissect Sonic and see how he runs so fast. Tails, to study his brainwaves and use his machine designs for their own use. Knuckles, to figure out how he can control the Master and Chaos Emeralds, as well as his extraordinary strength. Amy.. they want to know what makes her so strong, and to study the rings she wears around her wrists. They are said to hold back her true strength. The four don't know it, because Mobians aren't allowed to know, so they can't spread the story to those guys"

Shadow looked at Eggman shocked, people wanted to cut open Amy, Tails too, for their own needs. He began to feel angry.

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