Day 13 - A Truth or a Lie

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(Sonic's POV)
It's been a day or so since Tails and I had done our little investigation, and we actually learned some valuable things. Let's just say, I was kind of expecting to hear what we ended up hearing. Relaxing with Sally, sitting in our living room, her laying on me while I occasionally rubbed my hands through her soft red hair, we were just talking, enjoying each other's company, as I love to do. I did make sure to update her on everything I knew, so she wasn't being left in the dirt, we contemplated as much as we could. I take some time to remember everything that happened yesterday, when Tails and I were talking to Rouge....

-Flashback, if that wasn't obvious-

".....and that is all I know, guys. Anything else you want to ask?"

Tails and I both shook our heads no. We were surprised by what we heard, and now we've got a pretty good lead. Rouge told us that she's been hearing a lot of things lately. She saw Shadow heading towards Eggman's base during the late hours of the night, and when we asked about why she was out so late, her only response was,
"I am a bat after all, dear."
She also told us that Amy is oblivious to all of this, because Shadow hasn't told her anything, as far as she knows. Shadow has been up to a lot of things apparently, since he's been visiting Eggman of all people.
She also mentioned that she heard somewhat of a conversation inside of Eggman's base, due to her excellent hearing, (again, because she's a bat),  and it sounded like something was brewing the last couple of days. She told us to be alert, and if we wanted more information, then we'd have to give her another Chaos Emerald. Tails quickly declined her deal offer, telling her that we wouldn't need any more information. She then told us to "get out of her house so she could resume her beauty sleep", and there we were, running out of her house. We went back to Tails' garage, where there, we discussed what our next move would be.
Sitting down on the Tornado's wings, we started up in the sky and summed up our findings.
"So... Shadow has been talking to Eggman, that's really weird." Tails said, putting his arms behind his head in a relaxed position.
"Right, what could he possibly want to do with Eggman?" I responded curiously.
"Maybe Eggman has him working for him? I doubt Shadow has any bad intentions, but perhaps he's getting some kind of compensation for helping Eggman, if he is..." Tails replied, his eyelids closing as he said the word "if".

"This is something I want to figure out soon, as fast as possible. With Eggman's intelligence, and Shadow's many capabilities, those two could really mess some stuff up..." I say silently, but loud enough for Tails to catch it. I meant every word I said, I don't see Shadow as a rival at all anymore, thanks to Amy, but if he's doing some shady things while putting people at risk, then I'll have no choice but to consider him one! I'm gonna find him myself, keep track of him for a little bit, and confront him when the timing's right.

I turn back to Tails, telling him of my plan. He offers his help, but I decline, there's no point in having more than one person do this, besides - if Shadow were to notice us following him around, he might try to start a battle, and I definitely do not want Tails getting injured. I then tell him....

-End of Flashback-

Ah, that's right, I nearly forgot my own plan, weird... I look down at Sally, who seems to have fallen asleep, because now her eyes are closed and she's breathing quite softly. I chuckle silently, as to not wake her up, before placing my hand on her back to hold her in place securely. I guess I'll lay here until she wakes up, that'll give me more time to think about my plan. It's also the early afternoon, so why not take the time to relax for a little bit. It's not like anything bad is gonna happen anytime today....

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