13. entrance

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time: 1:27

"are we almost there yet?", jeongin whined, he was getting hungry and water was not doing it for him anymore.
"this is like the seventh time you've asked jeongin, we are not there yet!"
"fine i was just asking", he pouted.
"why can't i just ask a question SEUNGMIN? always in my fucking business"
"language" "you too chan!"

"what do you guys think felix is doing right now?"
"probably sleeping, he's always sleep"
"yess he's such a cutie pie"
"changbin just ask him to be yours?"
"no way, why don't you ask hyunjin?"
"hyunjin? pftt no way..."
"what took you guys so long then?", changbin repositioned the mirror in front of him eyeing seungmin with a smirk on his face. "we see the hickeys seungmin"

"they aren't from hyunjin!"
"yes there are"
"who was talking to you jeongin?"
"i have proof", jeongin opened his phone and showed the pictures he had taken without everyone's permission. "look, here seungmins neck is clean.. and then when he comes down with hyunjin", he zoomed into the picture showing seungmins neck: "hickeys everywhere"

"he choked me"
"like that's any better, we know it's hickeys"
"yeah just be honest, we aren't gonna scold you"
"yeah i guess, they weren't from hyunjin though"
"fine then."
"but don't you guys wonder what lix is doing?"
"right right"

after 6 more minutes, changbin and minho both pulled into the car park. "alright guys we are here", they said in unison. "yay" jisung said smiling, he took off his seatbelt and jumped out of the car stretching like a tired baby kitten. "my head hurts..." "it's okay baby", minho rubbed jisung's forehead and pulled him towards him by the waist: "i didn't know my baby was such a talented singer" he pulled jisung's face closer to his and smiled. jisung blushed and hit him playfully: "thankss" he said giggling, "is lix still sleeping?", minho nodded and went into the car to retrieve the younger.

"lix wake up... we are here now"
"five more minutes"
"why are you always tired?"
"no", felix lifted his leg smacking minho in the jaw. "lee felix have some decency, you can't open your legs like that", he pulled felix's skirt downwards and positioned his legs to the side.

"chan you get the table ready and text us when you're done, we can wake up felix when we are ready", chan nodded and made his way into the restaurant. it was a nice buffet place with a  variety of never ending options. there was food from places all around the world, places chan and the author didn't even know existed; he was so excited to try everything out, he nearly tripped over.

he made his way to the front desk and was greeted by a kind looking lady, her hair was dark brown with lighter ends, her tight curls hung slightly above her shoulders in two buns. she had two braids with pink, yellow and blue beads at the end of each, which were placed at the front of her hair. "hello", she smiled her dimples appearing.

"oh hello, my name is christopher", he mentally slapped himself for revealing his whole identity but smiled awkwardly until she responded.

"well hello christopher, how many people are eating with us today?". chan smiled shyly then gave her a confused look, "us?" "yeah me and you?", she giggled covering her smile. "i'm just joking, how many people?" "eight please" "okay, is it anyones birthday... it can be a week before or a week after" "i'm not actually sure, let me check"

lix loves bin

> when are your birthdays?

> 22 september


> it's just chan
> 20 march


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