11. my universe

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"hey guys!", chan said with a bright smile, hyunjin rolled his eyes and continued walking past chan. he didn't want anything to do with him right now. "what's up with him?", chan chuckled. "i don't know, don't think he likes you very much", seungmin responded clearly assumed by hyunjin's actions. "cause he wants me so bad", he said sighing.

"he's nice, give him a chance", chan said.
seungmin looked down at chan in disgust, "shut up chan, just cause your hot" he rolled his eyes and pushed past the older making his way back to hyunjin.

"teenagers these days"

seungmin walked next to hyunjin and brushed their hands lightly together. he only did it cause he felt bad for turning hyunjin down for the 100th time. plus he was trying to test out his feelings and see if he really did like hyunjin or if he only liked the look of hyunjin. he really didn't want to use him. he was nice guy; seungmin didn't want to see him get hurt.

hyunjin pulled seungmin closer to his side and intertwined their fingers together.
"ew get off", seungmin pulled his hands away from hyunjin but the older only held on tighter. "you know you like this minnie", seungmin sighed and continued walking. he did like it but he didn't want hyunjin to know.

~ 7 minutes later ~

"okay guys my house is just up there"
"finally we've been walking for ages, and get off"
hyunjin laughed and let go of seungmins hand.
"okay just here", he held seungmins waist redirecting him to right way. the brunette blushed covering his face quickly, "aw is my minnie blushing?" "shut up hyunjin", he shoved hyunjin's hands away and went to the front porch.

hyunjin took out his keys and unlocked the door, he could see changbin and minho's cars already park so he knew everyone was there already.

"hey guys", hyunjin shouted, as he walked into the room, jisung fell onto the floor and minho walked up to him.
"so can i use the shower?"
"oh yeah sure", hyunjin gave minho directions and he made his way towards the kitchen. there he saw his mother taking pictures of jeongin on the kitchen counter.

"what the fuck?"

"watch your language hyun, i'm just taking pictures of your friend here. he's really pretty"
hyunjin's mother said, whispering the last part.
"thank you mrs hwang", jeongin said smiling. he sat up on the edge of the table kicking his legs, "hey hyunjin, are we going to go now?", he titled his head slightly.

"well, we have to wait for minho but come with me jeongin. thank you mom i'm here now so you can go upstairs bye"
"oh ok, bye bye jeongin"

hyunjin grabbed jeongins arm and led him to the others. "changbin why didn't you watch him?"

"uh no one asked me too", changbin shrugged, felix was lying in his lap on his nintendo whilst changbin played with his hair. "plus i was busy"

felix giggled. "felix why won't you say anything?" changbin pouted, the blond shrugged his shoulders and continued playing with his nintendo. "he won't speak at all, he hasn't spoken since he came here". felix reached for his phone and began typing.

lix loves bin

> cause my voice is so deep :(

"felix it doesn't matter, i'll love you either way"

> l-love me?

"yes", changbin chuckled lifting felix up, positioning him on his lap. he gave felix a peck on the nose, and move the younger's hair away from his face. "now will you speak?"

"yes", felix responded.
"thank you"

"you guys are cute and all but how do you work your shower hyunjin? it keeps on splashing water everywhere", minho was standing in the door way; towel on his waist, water dripping down his body. his hair slightly wet. despite his frustrated face, the others thought he looked very attractive.
expect changbin and felix of course, they were too busy loving each other.

"damn minho, you look hot", jeongin said.
"thanks, a little help hyunjin?"

"oh yeah, um... follow me", before hyunjin left the room he grabbed jisung with him. he was already making a tower of cushions, leaving him by himself was not a good idea. "okay let's go", as they were about to leave hyunjin ran back into the room and grabbed jeongins arm taking the younger with him, he was also trying to continue jisung's tower. "owww, i'm trying to avenge jisung" "shut up and follow me" "fineee", he pouted.

they went to the bathroom and hyunjin taught minho how to use the shower. well he attempted to, whilst jisung and jeongin were sat on the floor playing with bars of soap... making a tower.

"it's not that hard minho, just click this button and tell it what temperature you want"
"who has a shower that you TALK TO?"
"i do, now just tell her what temperature you want and she'll do it for you"
"i just want warm"

"you can't say that, you have to say the exact temperature. like in degrees"
"can you just tell her for me?"

"no cause she knows you aren't showering yet, take off the towel and go inside"
"take off the towel? in front of you?"
"yes, i'm a man and so are you it's fine"

minho looked down and jisung and jeongin who were staring up and minho waiting for him to remove his towel. "go on then", jeongin insisted.

"what the fuck, why is he even in here?"
"cause i don't trust him alone"
"him? i have a name"
"sorry, why is JEONGIN in here?"
"cause i'm staying with jisung to keep him company"

"yeah", jisung shrugged.
"jisung get off the floor, you are gonna mess up your outfit"
"it's fine, we aren't leaving yet"
"so?", minho pulled jisung off the floor and stood him up. "there, now all of you get out"

"but what about the shower?", jeongin whined.
"i'll just shower with cold water, you creep"
"suit yourself, let's go guys", the other left the room whilst minho struggled.

"would you like to change the temperature?"
"yes i would fucking like to change the temperature, change it to warm"
"i'm not sure i understand, would you like to change the temperature?"
"fuck off"

lix loves bin

> um guys?
> i think you guys may of walked off without me?

bangchannie: > um guys?> i think you guys may of walked off without me?-

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> omg guys i'm married now😍
> kisses pls😞


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