38. Exhausted

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Finn POV

I watched from the corner of my eye as Y/n walked in. Things were getting a lot more intense than before. Of course as an actor I was fully aware of this. We normally only got 4 hours of sleep. Even less on bad days. Because I was used to this it didn't bother me as much as it would probably bother the new actors.

I was worried she'd be extremely tired. And when I noticed her expression it seemed much worse than I'd expected. Her eyes were red and puffy as if she'd been..crying? Was she crying over stress? Maybe I had underestimated how  much this would affect her. But things had only gotten difficult a week ago.

She never told me she was stressed so I kind of let it go. Was I supposed to ask her about it first or wait for her to tell me? I wanted to ask her but what if she didn't want me to know? I snapped back to reality when Caleb or Lucas had said his next line. Shit what was I supposed to say again? "Yeah I-I ss" The words tumbled out of my mouth. Caleb laughed. "I'm sorry what was I supposed to say again?" I said sheepishly.

The directors were thankfully laughing instead of being pissed. "okay fine" Caleb reminded me with a smirk as he realized who I was staring at. "You really are obsessed with her" He whispered. I nudged him. "Shut up" I said quickly. No one except Millie, Sadie, Noah, Gaten, Caleb, Charlie and possibly Natalia.

I didn't want to tell anyone more than that really. Well except for maybe my mum if she ever agreed to let me date a girl who wasn't born into wealth. Of course I would never stop Y/n if she told someone about it that I knew wouldn't tell anyone. Once we finished the scene I ran up to Y/n who was sitting alone.

"hey Y/n how are you doing?" I asked quickly. Y/n turned her head around as if she hadn't seen me. Her eyes were red and barely open. "Oh hey Finn you scared me, I'm fine. How are you?" She said with a weak smile. "I'm okay but you don't seem fine" I said and looked to see if anyone was watching. When I finished speaking she instantly sat up straight.

"No I'm fine I promise I'm just a little tired I guess" She said. Then the director called her over. She smiled that same tired looking smile before getting up and slowly staggered away. She looked as if she was going to fall. "Y/n wai-" I called out but she waved me off. 

I got up to watch her scene. She seemed extremely tired and unfocused until the camera came onto her face. "Jane and I are only going to get ice cream I promise I'll keep her safe" She said with a mischevious grin. Millie smiled and nodded knowingly. Noah sighed. "Okay fine just be safe. Both of you" He said and stared right into Y/ns eyes. 

She nods and turned around on her heel. Millie was latched onto her arm. This was supposed to be Eleven/Janes first time hanging out with her friend just the two of them. "Bye Will" Y/n calls out one last time before closing the door behind her. "great job guys you all nailed that" One of our director applauses them.


My head was spinning. Hailey and April both hated me, I was mentally and physically tired. I stumbled off set so we could go to the next scene. Sadie walked right next to me. "Y/n are you okay you're extremely pale" She asked concerningly. I nodded. "I'm fine" I said and tried to get my blurry vision to go back to normal.

These bright lights everywhere weren't helping the state I was in. "Y/n you should go home, your like burning up" She said as she placed a hand on my forehead. "Uh sure Y/n is burning up I think she might be sick" She called out. I heard footsteps walking closer. "I'm fine" I whispered to her. It was an obvious lie.

"Are you okay?" Millie who had rushed to my side. I tried to speak but I couldn't. Before I could take another step I fell to the floor with a thud. I couldn't open my eyes. "Holy shit Y/n" Someone said out loud. I could hear people rushing over to me as I blacked out. Then suddenly everything fell silent.

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