16. Hailey's Neighbour

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Finn POV

I was sitting in my room when I heard a bunch of laughter coming from outside. Normally I wouldn't snoop in other peoples business but the nose seemed to be coming from a much higher place next door. I opened the curtains to see two girls crawling over the roof with ski masks on and laughing. 

It was hard not to watch them. What are they doing? They both took their masks off with their backs turned to me. One of the girls almost fell off. Luckily the other girl caught her. She pulls her friend up. Then another girl comes out the window. They were speaking to each other.

 I couldn't exactly hear what they were saying so I opened the window. "What are you wearing?" One of the girl asks. Her voice sounded extremely familiar. "Weren't we supposed to be kidnapping you?" The other girl asks. Thats when the other girl turns her face to the right a bit. Thats when I realized it was Y/n.

"Y/n is that you?" I call out. She turns her head to me and gasps. "Finn?!" She calls out. I smile sheepishly and wave. "I was uh checking what the noise was" I say to try and act like I wasn't being a total stalker. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry were we too loud?!" She says apologetically. I shake my head. "No it's okay!" I reassure her. She looks embarrassed. 

"I had no Idea you lived next to me" Hailey says with a confused expression. I smile. "I just moved in a couple weeks ago" I say. Hailey gives a nod. They glance at each other for a while. "So..what are you guys doing on the roof?" I ask curiously. April glances at Y/n. "Well we were sorta kidnapping her" Y/n says. I laugh until I realize they are not laughing with me. "Oh um nice" I say quickly.

Y/n looks sick. Then a voice calls out from the backyard. "Oh Hailey you better not be sneaking out up there!" I look down. A woman in her early 30s is walking out of the back door. "Fuck get in!" Hailey whispers and climbs back in. April follows her lead. I close my window door. I can still see them but everything has gone quiet. 

Y/n POV 

I panic as I hear Becky. "Hurry up April please" I beg her. "I'm trying but my foot is stuck" I am facing the edge of the roof. "Hailey?" Her mum calls out as I edge backwards into the window. I fall back flat on the ground. We all burst into laughter at our stupidity. "Oh my gosh that was so embarrassing" I say in between my laugh. April does her infamous wheeze. 

"How is Finn my neighbour out of all people" Hailey says with a laugh. "I don't know like what are the odds?" I say. Hailey turns to me. "So have you made any progress with Finn" Hailey asks me with a smirk. "Hailey stop we are just friends!" I exaggerate. Hailey smiles. "So can you give me his number then?" She asks.

April gasps. "What no!" I say angrily. Then I realize how I am acting. "I mean okay sure" I add quickly. April laughs. "You are totally in love with him!" April nudges my shoulder. I blush and look away. Hailey has an accomplished expression. "Come on Y/n, just face it" Hailey says.

"You guys only met a couple weeks ago and I can see so much chemistry I might die of loneliness" April says dramatically. She falls back onto the bed for more dramatization. I pick up the cushion next to me and throw it at her with a laugh. She catches the pillow and hugs it. "She's right" Hailey says with a smirk.

"So what if I do?" I say and lean back on her cabinet. "He might not like me back. I could totally be making a fool out of myself!" I say. I could see it in my head. "Why wouldn't he like you? He likes all your photos, hangs out with you, talks to you and he looks at you like your his world. Plus he's single right?" April says. I nod. My phone beeps as soon as I nod. 

"And that is probably him" Hailey says. I wish I could prove her wrong but she was right. Finn had sent me a message. He probably thought I was weird now. I glanced at Hailey and April. They smirked as they saw my expression. "I knew it" Hailey says. I open the message. 

Messages Between Y/n and Finn

|Finn| I am so sorry I have to interrupt your kidnapping situation but my mum just spoke to Haileys mum and they want to have dinner with each other at my place..

|Y/n| wait really?

|Finn| I tried to stop her so I told my mum Hailey had friends over but now she invited you two join us at 8pm. Im sorry <3

|Y/n| Its okay Ill tell April and Hailey. Thanks for telling me :]

|Finn| Of course Y/n. I might see you later then ;)


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